Random Rants
Left at the front door? That's nothing. I ordered a record (as an investment). One week… nothing. Two weeks... nothing, starting to get irritated decided that I'll send an shout-y email on the Monday. Sunday, get back from work and there's a mud encrusted cardboard box on the table. Turns out that some **** had left it under the front door mat!! and two housemates had unwittingly been treading on it for at least a week...
I was not happy.
Okay, MP, that's a much better rant than mine. I'm just a nervous Nellie, is all.
First package delivered to ucla and it's missing. Now I got to track it down and find out whoever the fuck "h halls" is…..hopefully this isn't going to be a common occurrence
Currently in Houston it's 82F (28C) and 78% humidity, so it's muggy as an overcrowded Russian sauna. This is the time of year that I hate Texas weather the most. It is not natural to sweat this much in mid-October.
Suck it up buttercup.
We have had a torrential downpour since 6am, we're just as wet as you are sweet cheeks
I reserve the right to shame you all when it hits -40F here come February.
We have had a torrential downpour since 6am, we're just as wet as you are sweet cheeks
Rain > Sweat
Rain > Heat.
This is the right answer.
To me, the only thing worse than rain is raining hellfire. But at least with that I know I won't have to put up with it for long.
Jesus Mega you can at least say "hi".
Ha, good to see another of my clones thriving out there. The one which Zack (Seawolf) posted last year is still the winner though, as that one came complete with a TommyTron attachment.
So I can assume this is the "good" twin?
I shall now despatch a clone to Belginia to deal with the unruly Belgina.
Clone has been recalled in the name of quality beer.