Random Rants
Suck it up buttercup
What mods dont get paid, they get the honor of keeping a bunch of over informed well feed attention seeking sons of b!tches inline and online all while taking a hands off approach which promotes open dialogue and provides a platform for the brand Iron Heart and the sidewalk commandos, actual bikers, family men having mid life crisis, youngsters looking for.something different and folks.that just like to post as much as possible to get on the stats page. Wow that was alot.to type on this little a$$ keyboard, hahahhahaha.
If mods got paid I'd put in an application. I need a part time job with the holidays coming.
sent from a madmofo
Clocks mean nothing to small children. Today my kids woke up at at 6:30 instead of 7:30.
DST blows. I loved living in Arizona, where it does not exist.
Fuck waking up when you're sick. I feel so inexplicably uncomfortable right now.
i cant stand BS professors that teach nothing in class and then hand out exams that's sole purpose is to trick you instead of testing your knowledge. I have one class this semester that has been a serious struggle because of this. The professor talks about football the entire period and then hands out tests that are nothing but trickery… WTF. still pulling an A in the class for now, and still have my 4.0 but with the last test I took this morning it could very well drop me to a B in the class because of exams weighting. Anyway, sorry....I felt like exploding when I handed the exam in..... rant off
I'm too lazy to take pictures of stuff I want to sell, so it all just sits in a pile, silently judging me.
Oh, and Julie is in Las Vegas this week and I am stuck at home with the kids. And the Cosmopolitan upgraded her to a suite. With a balcony.
I'm not bitter, though.
Seeking the perfect jean:
Iron Heart
Sanforized or Unsanforized and will STF to the following
Waist = 35"
Front Rise = 12"
Rear Rise = 16"
Thigh (Measured Iron Heart way) = 13.5 -13.75"
Thigh (Measured NoKipple way) = 12.75"
Knee = 9.75"
Leg Opening = 8.75"
Inseam = 35"Beatle Busters are very close. Waist, check. Rise, check. Thigh, 1/4 check. Knee, 3/4 check. Leg opening, 1/2 check. Inseam, check. In fact, I have three pairs of Beatles. Would just love to have slightly more room in the thigh and yet still have a sub 9" leg opening. I'm sure I'm being too picky. Rant over…
this is ridiculous! ordered stuff from Japan store for around £265 and the bloody Custom Tax, Import VAT and some shit processing fee I have to pay is £105.35 which is almost half of what I paid for my 2 items!
can anyone who have got experience with the UK customs and etc, explain to me how is this even making any sense?
Fucking Ticketmaster… The illegal as fuck cartel who gives their own tickets to their wholly owned scalping subsidiary to fuck their customers extra hard above and beyond their exorbitant fees... Now these fucksticks have made embedded advert videos you are forced to sit through as CAPTCHAs, losing precious seconds as you compete with others, including scalping operations, including THEIR scalping operation.
I don't know how this monopoly is tolerated. I don't know how they were allowed to buy LiveNation. Fuck these idiots. Where's the goddamn antitrust and racketeering suit?
The confusion caused by this new form of torture cost me decent seats for Dave Chapelle.
Are you not making enough fucking money Ticketmaster?
This is why monopolies are bad. There are no consequences for these assholes abusing their customers.
That's rough man - Dave Chappelle is funny as shit….. Just watched half baked the other day.
Yeah agreed. The seats were so poor I just said fuck it. He loves Minneapolis, he's done a bunch of shows here all week. He chatted up some great friends who were front and center earlier this week, even gave my buddy a dap.
Massachusetts laws are wack!!
100,000 some odd dollars to the state just to open a dispensary, Then all kinds of hoops to jump through after that, what the fuck. If you want my opinion, this whole "medical marijuana" thing is a joke!! The same states that arrested people for years and years and ruined people's lifes are broke! so now they want to collect "tax" revenue all the sudden for the same product that they spent seven decades arresting people for. Im all for taxation! as someone who worked in the equipment retail industry for years and years and then went on to ipen open his own stores, shit needs to change fast, but in a reasonable and FAIR manner!! Feel free to move this to rant!!
daddy's ready to come out of retirement and drop some more 15 ton A/C units