Random Rants
I'll agree with Mega, and for good measure, add in the shirts I mailed Seul in August that have yet to arrive. They were last seen in Chicago…
The shirts seem to think so…
I hate hot weather, and southern California seems to have forgotten that it's winter. Fuck this.
^ I will see your complaint about unseasonably warm weather and raise you an unprecedented heatwave:
Temperatures for Melbourne over the past few days (Note, this is in celsius, not farenheit):
Tuesday: 42.8
Wednesday: 41.7
Thursday: 43
Friday (forecast): 44What has added to the difficulty of the heat has been nighttime temperatures which have stayed around 30 or so. Your body just doesn't have a chance to recuperate and you wake up feeling exhausted. In the city the heat is killing people (literally): http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/melbourne-city-centre-a-death-trap-as-heatisland-effect-takes-its-toll-20140116-30xt8.html
Yeh, it's shit having adults as friends eh
I can see why….they don't drink
I hate hot weather, and southern California seems to have forgotten that it's winter. Fuck this.
Not sure if that'd be the best idea considering I attend ucla
How's that going? Didn't you start recently?
It's going great! Yep, started just this year. And I don't hate hot weather enough to transfer, it's more that I look forward to colder weather and it seems strange that we haven't really had any. I do know I live in California, but come on… Gimme something
I reserve and abuse the right to complain about the weather. I love in Minnesota.