Random Rants
Here you go, Mega and Cutlass, I believe this is the one.
Perfect, thanks JDL. I now have one linen tennis cap incoming
Cheers dude my memory is fucked!
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Took my kid out to the country club here for Easter lunch yesterday and ended up leaving my rayban aviators that I have had for nearly 10 years on the table. Called this morning to see if the busboy found them and turned them in but to no avail. So incredibly bummed right now, they have been an everyday staple in my wardrobe for soo long that they felt like part of me. So I guess it's time to begin the quest to find another perfect pair of sunglasses.
Yeah… I'm picky... I have a ton of others... Some McQueen persols, a few other ray ban aviators, and othe miscellaneous but those ones were just exactly perfect.... Normally I buy and then they just sit cause they aren't quite right
The fact that some poor animal died for these shoes is horrific. I understand that leather comes from dead animals, but it's done in, what I personally think, as a respectful manner and meant to last. These are just a shock meant to be tossed after effect has passed. Tried unsuccessfully to find the source.
"I'm a cow."
Mooooove out of my way, heifer.
Lol. I dont think they are made by DIOR Giles
Drama in Danner land.
I guess my boots didn't fit into the "resole package" so they tried to charge me $150 for the "premier Package." I mentioned to the nice lady that having to put $150 into $340 boots six months after purchase was a little insane. After a few emails and a phone call from a higher up at Danner, they decided to warranty the boots. The problem with that is that the warranty doesn't cover repair, but only allows for replacement. I'm not really digging anything else they have to offer functionally or aesthetically. I guess I'm just gonna have to pay for the repairs anyway. What a mess.
Bummer LN, sounds remarkably like my experience with Alden
For what these companies charge for boots, You'd think they would just make it right and keep a customer forever. Oh well. Not every company can be run by Giles, right?
Snow at the end of April blows. Just enough that I'm in the car rather than on the bike.