White's Boots
thanks for the kind words.
i have really just been taking my time & listening to all the advice in the photo thread as well as pms/emails sent to me by (kind) forum folks schooling me on what to & not to do. listening more than talking has done wonders for me
to (finally) answer the question, i'm using a cannon powershot sx 260 hs the wife & kids got me for Christmas. i actually think my images will get even better once i get the G12 into the shop for routine maintenance
Love the upper, hate the sole. I have vowed never to touch any more footwear with a wedge sole.
that's a sick pair, monday!! i myself have been dying to get a pair of boots in rough out
This place has some crazy make ups in Whites, Vibergs, and Wescos.
wow… those are amazing
Ordered my first pair some minutes ago
A classic Oxford for Summer
This place has some crazy make ups in Whites, Vibergs, and Wescos.
great link shane!
some killer looking make up's in there -
grabbed these when the seller re-listed them on the Bay. great seller that i was actually able to negotiate a reasonable price with shipping from Canada.
strongly considering these for the mega boot thingy; what can i say, i'm weak for brown rough out.
Beautiful !!
Size 8D, if they're the ones I saw. Great score.
damn you all… your boots make me want another pair.
thinking about getting a l2toe smokejumpers in 6 inches. can't decide on colors. i know i want some sort of black, but i am not sure if i want black and tan or just all black. also cant decide if i want the northwest last or the swing last.
i love the comfort of my burgundy SD, but not so enamored by the looks. not rugged enough, imo.
also considering the white's engineers... i have a pair of chippewa engineers but they are all black and i think the natural midsole would make the whites look so much better, especially with a lowered heel. prob go black dress on those too to get a sick shine.
Hathorn boots are made by guys training to work on Whites, basically apprentices. They are also made from slightly cheaper leathers, I believe some of the leathers are bought in from overseas. However, I have owned a couple of pairs of Hathorn boots, and the quality difference in terms of build is not noticeable at all.