White's Boots
I totally understand the attraction and reason for great quality items and i do buy things with that in mind. On the other hand If u buy say a new car unless its a antique car or a muscle car most only want that car for no more than 5 years and then u want something new..Thats why leasing came about because YES people want long lasting things but they also get tired of them as well and want something new. My point is if a pair of boots lasts me 4 or 5 years I'm cool with that or if a pair lasts me 10 years thats great too but ill most likely have retired them anyway after a few. Whether something holds up for a long time eventually it will be a well made fully intact unwearable item like a 79 year old previous playboy playmate..She was great for awhile but then she got old…So how long do u really want something anyway
Yes u are def right. The key to having anything worth keeping for awhile is taking care of it by not abusing the heck out of it. So many of the things we love look great with age & with age comes beauty and damage. Taking a $500 pair of boots to a construction site will age the boots beautifully much faster but also send em to the cemetery prematurely..Its a double edged sword
Seriously…...still with the CXL debate :-\
Im going to have my body re-skinned with Chrome excel leather and show up at Demonito's house and insist on a hug.
But seriously, the wear on the boots shown seems to be isolated to the same area on two different boots. could that have been chemical exposure? Construction work is rough, and cxl def would not be my first choice due to its softer make up
I know I did not buy my smokejumpers with CXL to actually fight fires, so..yea. The closest Ill get to a fire is the stove, unless Occupy Oakland starts their beef again.
Thanks for the links Lando, gives me an excuse to not work:)
Monday love that boot
opinion request. Im having an 8" smokejumper being build, and as of now, I am having a composite half sole put on. Its been floating around in my head for some time, and seeing that rough out pic above, that that might be too much boot for a half sole. Opinions? Its either a comp half or a full 700.
Great boot Monday. When you get some more info on it I'd love to see it.
So much for trying to keep things positive eh?
i finally got the sense & sent an email direct to the white's folks with a copy of the image
will publish once they get back to me
Looking forward to it!
Those are sicccc Der666. Can't wait to see some images as they age.
Thanks Urb put a heavy slathering of LP on them last night. Starting to feel pretty comfortable. These will be keepers.
Beauties Jeff
Thanks Gavin for all your help
Niiiice hope they turn out killer