White's Boots
Monday love that boot
opinion request. Im having an 8" smokejumper being build, and as of now, I am having a composite half sole put on. Its been floating around in my head for some time, and seeing that rough out pic above, that that might be too much boot for a half sole. Opinions? Its either a comp half or a full 700.
Great boot Monday. When you get some more info on it I'd love to see it.
So much for trying to keep things positive eh?
i finally got the sense & sent an email direct to the white's folks with a copy of the image
will publish once they get back to me
Looking forward to it!
Those are sicccc Der666. Can't wait to see some images as they age.
Thanks Urb put a heavy slathering of LP on them last night. Starting to feel pretty comfortable. These will be keepers.
Beauties Jeff
Thanks Gavin for all your help
Niiiice hope they turn out killer
so here is the response to my question, i would quote my question but figured if YOU are interested YOU could do it:
The picture shown looks like a 6” lace to toe brown rough out smoke jumper, with brass hardware and natural stain on the sole. I’m not sure what sole it is, it could be the comp or mini vib sole. The cost for that boot if you order through us is $450.00. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us at any time.
Thank you,
White’s Boots, Inc.
i've talked myself out of ordering them at this moment, maybe in a few weeks . . .
Unfortunately after 8 hours of serious thought and very sore feet. I will not be able to keep the Whites. Going to stick with my Alden's.
Unfortunately after 8 hours of serious thought and very sore feet. I will not be able to keep the Whites. Going to stick with my Alden's.
wha? are they new? break in time?
Nope bought them basically new from dirty denim. Unfortunately they are to small and they are going back to him.
come to papa