IHSH-127 - 2015 Ultra Heavy Buffalo Check Western Shirts
I mentioned earlier in the thread that these did seem to sew up small. Of course it all depends on how you like your shirts to fit and how your "normal" IH shirt size fits you, but I would almost recommend to size up one from your normal size on these.
I have the green and red in both XL (my normal size) and XXL and I will more than likely sell my XLs.
Its on every product page ( i think )
"The best way to determine the size you need is to measure a similar item you already own and compare with the actual sizing as per the table below. Do not go by tagsize alone."
Look carefully at the measurements. Only then select which 'tag size' to order.
I have ordered from XL to XXL. Depending on item and fit i want. Been happy each time.
Effin brilliant shirts though and I agree with @Cole, the red and green are awesome colorways. The grey doesn't do it for me, too bland IMO…but hey that's just my opinion. The green though, awesome color in person.
Great work. Did you stick with XL?
Yes, I did stick with XL. I would have prefered the sleeve length of the xxl, but then the chest would have been to big. The grey one is the snug one out of the three. I''ll try to get fitpics up tomorrow.
The grey is the unique color, I haven't experienced much like it before, it's nice, it's low key, with the overdyed 634's it's downright bad ass.
The red is very typical, in fact grocery shopping today I saw 3 old dudes that looked like they had the exact same shirt on, luckily the fit on theirs was shitty and the fabric looked like ass (printed thin flannel gross) so I personally know why the red 127 is worth what it is, but to a pedestrian it won't stand out as much. I feel this one will get the most wear though, I bet with faded out jeans it will look unbeatable
I don't have the green yet, but will and I expect I will also love that one a lot. I got the green 107 and didn't expect to like it half as much as I love it
@spitfiredealer I went with my standard L, these fit a bit more trim everywhere than the 107, and are a bit shorter in body and length. I can do detailed side by side pics and measurements tonight if anyone is interested.
It's the shoulders for me on the XL I am concerned with. Smaller than the 107 which means it could be a no no for me.
Shoulders are a negligible difference IMHO, not enough to feel it, only noticeable difference is the length so far
Dammit….don't try to talk me in to getting a grey one too guys...I want the 129 as well and possibly the maroonxcream buffalo check.
Got my grey in the mail today. XXXL it fits a bit snug. For reference I'm 5'10 225lbs. The P2P online states 24.5 but I'm getting 24. But it is consistent with my 109 in XXL which was listed P2P 24.5. They fit me pretty much the same. I'll get a few fit pics in when I get the chance. (For the husky out there) I still love the shirt and weight loss challenge accepted!
My gray large arrived today, thanks to the IH crew for the lightning fast shipping!
@HeavyGenes my large 109 fits almost exactly the same too. It's snug and very comfortable, I think my sizing gamble payed off.
Great fit Johnny. Thanks for the pics.
127 L laid on top of 107 L
Minimally longer sleeves on 107, about 1 cm
Shoulders less than 1/2 cm larger adding both sides together
Barely longer.Keep in mind the 107 has been worn throughly.
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@johnny5799 great fit and pics. I'm not as skilled a photographer but here is my fit with an XXXL. For the big boys.
Great fit too Heavy. For an xxxl the shoulders and sleeve length are great.
@Filthy25ozJunkie Thanks!
@Akuma no uta Interesting, they're sized more similar than I thought, BTW that green is so nice.
@HeavyGenes HA! Thanks, I'm a lazy photographer that wears $300 shirts. Your triple X looks like it was made just for you, congratulations on that fit! -
127 L laid on top of 107 L
Minimally longer sleeves on 107, about 1 cm
Shoulders less than 1/2 cm larger adding both sides together
Barely longer.Keep in mind the 107 has been worn throughly.
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Cheers buddy.