IHSH-127 - 2015 Ultra Heavy Buffalo Check Western Shirts
@johnny5799 great fit and pics. I'm not as skilled a photographer but here is my fit with an XXXL. For the big boys.
Great fit too Heavy. For an xxxl the shoulders and sleeve length are great.
@Filthy25ozJunkie Thanks!
@Akuma no uta Interesting, they're sized more similar than I thought, BTW that green is so nice.
@HeavyGenes HA! Thanks, I'm a lazy photographer that wears $300 shirts. Your triple X looks like it was made just for you, congratulations on that fit! -
Any idea if these are going to be remade this year? Love the green.
No. When we decide to make a shirt, we make the fabric. We make enough to satisfy retailer pre-orders and predicted direct demand. We then make that many shirts. The time lead time from making the start of that process to availability is 6 months. So even if we decided to redo these now, it would be Spring before we saw them.
And anyway, we have still have 10 more UHF or HF variants to hit in the next 4 months.
I'll sit down with H in 3 weeks and work out what colours we do in UHF next fall/winter.
^Please do a re-run of the cookie monster/blue and black…
Good man
That's the only colour that I am currently very etched in my "must do" list….
Great news!
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I must be the only one who doesn't like the bright blue of the old 20. But I know it will sell fast.
@cole: well done.
^Please do a re-run of the cookie monster/blue and black…
Wait..what's this cookie monster bluexblack? I want to see it.
Ah I thought cookie monster was the 101 (I see now that one is tuquoise/grey). I'm going to kindly remove my vote of enthusiasm for blue/black (though I'll likely get it when the time comes). Is the 101 color combo coming back?
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Yes, the 101tg will return this winter. The orginal 101 was purple, to add to the confusion.
^thank you both
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