Iron Heart Pop Up Store in Cologne
Wishing the denim party people lotsa fun, all the way from the other (eastern) end of the republic!
Wish I could be there, but…:-\
Wish I could have made it over, but it would have been an expensive trip. Kentaurus and the pop-up would be one problem, the other would have been Foto Lambertin, a small but very good camera shop near the Dom.
Yesterday we went to the Meet Up at the Iron Heart Pop Up Store in Cologne.
Thanks to Paula, Giles & the Kentaurus Crew for this little event. We joined it very much.
Here some pics and impressions (sorry for bad quality, lightning was not the best).Paula enjoying some Glühwein …
Detlev playing with his balls …
thanks @van Olzon great to catch up with you guys and the little girl… wait... boy... hope you got the well deserved Schnitzel....
big thanks to the @Kentaurus team for the event and food and stuff, always a pleasure guys…
Thanks a lot for the great afternoon! We had so much fun. Hope to meet you guys very soon again.
@Sina - kentaurus - asked me to post a pic of my IHV-02DD, to show people how it evolves…..