IHSH-134 - 9oz Olive Selvedge Herringbone Western Shirt
For all you 134 guys/gals. Is the fabric stiff, in between or pretty comfy out of the bag?
I would guess it compares to say the IHSH 92 in terms of stiffness/comfort? The other IH shirts are two 64s and the 126 which are super comfy. Guessing no where near them.
roomy & comfy from the jump despite what the measurements say.
I could get in a medium with no issues
don't think Iron Heart has anything that feels like this shirt IMHO
@Giles when are these being reran?
They're not happening in the next run I do. I did not get enough interest. We are however doing Olive work shirt and Charcoal works and westerns…
That's a bummer. Are you referring to not getting enough interest on the forum or via sales?
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They're not happening in the next run I do. I did not get enough interest. We are however doing Olive work shirt and Charcoal works and westerns…
Ahh…bummer. Are they still planning on being ran again at any point in the future though? I see there is a link to be notified when they are restocked on the product page so I'm assuming they will be produced again at some point in the future???
Any idea what we should fill out for the form on the charcoal and olive work shirts, @Giles?
Somebody sell me a Large olive western please
Thanks @Giles!
I pulled the trigger on this in XXL. Fingers crossed it's not too big.
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Wow. Great post
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It looks awesomeindeed. Any chance that we can see more pictures, without filter?