2016 Edition - Iron Heart WAYWT
@Appfaff hope you and your missus had a great night
Thanks! We went out for Cajun food which was excellent and then saw Zoolander 2, which was even worse than expected hahaha
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Cool vest G!! How are you liking the 14oz??
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Loving them….....But then , what else would you expect me to say?
Touché haha
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Bloody hell I train my calves every week and they aren't that hench!
Dropped off the kiddos at the in-laws and surprised the wife with a stay at our local resort on the Bay. Enjoying the last few hours of sunset and having a few cocktails before dinner.
The view:
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Looks lovely
nice! ya'll have a great weekend!
Beautiful scenery, have a great time! Quite different weather wise here in the Midwest!
Rogue Territory blanket lined supply
Double indigo vest
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