2016 Edition - Iron Heart WAYWT
@neph93 go for the 777's she will not be disappointed. I had to wait a while for these as G recommended them a long time before they hit..They are amazing and fit like a glove… I am always interested to see how IH looks on European women, also how the Evo might look as compared to men, as women will obviously wear their jeans differently! It would be great to maybe have a 777 sister... Far too few women in IH
@Black Orchid Its those or the 555's, but it's also a sizing issue. It's a while since she's worn jeans (!) so measuring something she owns is harder than it should be. I might have to buy her some cheap tat first just do have a starting point. How do you find the lower rise on the 777's?
@neph93 The 555's were a complete no no for me.. The low rise on the 777 is not a problem at all it really isn't that low compared with most women's jeans. Giles, Winchy and Paula were so good and sent me three pairs of 777's to try on perhaps you could do the same for your wife. Take a look at the link below where I give some measuring advice to a female forum member I think she was really pleased with her 777's
^^Loving the jacket G^^