2016 Ultra Heavy Flannel Planned Release Schedule….
@FurattoHeddo those such a sight to be seen, thank you for posting!
@Giles not to bring up the great sleeve debate of 2016, but as I recall awhile back you said the purple and green buffalo would have the longer sleeves (which I am VERY excited for given my gorilla arms) but didn't know if any others went through the cutting/sewing process. From the looks of the above picture, the red buffalos appear to be cut and sewn, any idea if they too will have the longer sleeves or will you need to wait till they get to your location?
Thanks for making clothes worth getting excited about!
Good day/evening to you… Is Blue/Cream still mid Oct? And the crazy-black UHF? is that still mid Dec?
I'd like to know the measurements on that lady piece as well.
Thanks, will check with the missus.
May have completely missed this- is the blackxpurple coming in the work shirt version as well? Thanks!
Thanks @Giles, I'll wait for them in the future
The final decision after chatting to Tom and Haraki, was to keep the arms of all future UHF's at the longer length like they used to be…
I must be dense… the most recent UHFs (cookie monster and purple ombre) have longer sleeves, right? So should that be "shorter length like they used to be" or "longer length like they are now"? Or something else?
The original releases used to be the length of the Cookie Monster. Over time that mutated into a shorter length. We have reverted to the original longer length length for the Cookie and all subsequent versions….But as I have said elsewhere, arm length depends to some extent on the colour the yarns are dyed and the type of weave..
Good day or evening to you. Is the CrazyCheck Western UHF Black still slated for Mid Nov? Also - is the Blue/Cream Buffalo comming shortly? Thanks.
Any news on the serge Cpo G?
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