2016 Ultra Heavy Flannel Planned Release Schedule….
So the crazy Plaids look like an almost exact copy of the 51, right? I think even the blue was planned back then but never released.
All three crazy plaids and all three Ombres. Not sure if I can budget that but that's what I want.
plain grey cpo. yes please.
I have asked Haraki to increase arm length to be more akin to our other shirts….
I may be in the minority, and you can't keep all the people happy all the time, but I kind of hope he doesn't listen [emoji1]Won't make much difference in truth. There's so much goodness on that list that an inch on the arm won't make any odds.
Great to see pics of all the samples. That solid grey looks especially luxurious, I don't have a CPO, all the ombre's are smoking and new opportunities on old fave's. This could get quite messy.
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Release dates…. My closet is already growing impatient but my bank account thanks you. See a few of these coming my way.