Samples - New Products We Are Working On
Is there an idea of when the 'Hot Rod' jacket will be available?
Random question in the stuff-we're-working-on dept: does an email go out to list subscribers when FW19 is announced, or should we just keep checking back? Seems FW18 made it up around this time last year, but it doesn't seem there's a specific date from year to year.
TLDR version: I'M ANTSY
If you have signed up for this:
You will get an email every time a new product releases.
But if you want to know more generally about FW19, you need to check here:
An FW19 board will be added at some point.
We are also creating a lookbook of all the FW19 products, it will be made available soonish, it will contain QR codes for each product, scanning a QR code will sign you up for specific notifications on that product.
Is there an idea of when the 'Hot Rod' jacket will be available?
Not sorted production out yet I am afraid….
Thank you Reuben, I have never been afraid of making mistakes. So we try all sorts of shit, if something does not work, I'll eat humble pie and revert - it bothers me not, if it works it's a bonus….But if you don't try, you'll never know....
I know that sounds trite, but it does mean we are constantly trying to improve with no fear of failure.
Love that about how you operate, @Giles thanks much!
Wait- you mean your goal isn't to be like everyone else?
Hehe thanks, all—I assumed as much, just figured I'd fish for a little extra enlightenment. And I got it!
Really itchin' to see the new UHFs. Psyched for those unbrushed ones I've seen…
I have never been afraid of making mistakes. So we try all sorts of shit, if something does not work, I'll eat humble pie and revert - it bothers me not, if it works it's a bonus….But if you don't try, you'll never know....
I know that sounds trite, but it does mean we are constantly trying to improve with no fear of failure.
Having been hanging around here for ahem, a while, I've definitely grown to appreciate the changes, routine breakers and occasional Crazy Ivan.
Hehe thanks, all—I assumed as much, just figured I'd fish for a little extra enlightenment. And I got it!
Really itchin' to see the new UHFs. Psyched for those unbrushed ones I've seen…
Unbrushed UHF?? What’s this now?
Any chance of a knurled GH snap?
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Haha thought I saw some in some sample pics a while back? Very colorful - maybe black with like teal and red accents? Lemme try to find… they appeared unbrushed.
I've been whinging for a bit about wanting an IHSH-193 or something like it to be issued again, and got a "maybe there's something coming up" kind of response, so I was thinking these sorta might be that. PURE CONJECTURE.
These! The two dark ones in the middle are the things I've been most psyched about seeing.
And I could be getting my terminology wrong — maybe just flannel vs ultra heavy. Be gentle, guys — still a noob
Some screenshots from Alex and H-san's IG. Sneak peaks from Selvedge Run in Berlin…
I am 1000% down with the idea of unbrushed flannel in any weight.
Haha thought I saw some in some sample pics a while back? Very colorful - maybe black with like teal and red accents? Lemme try to find… they appeared unbrushed.
I've been whinging for a bit about wanting an IHSH-193 or something like it to be issued again, and got a "maybe there's something coming up" kind of response, so I was thinking these sorta might be that. PURE CONJECTURE.
The white and black does look it but I think that’s just the photo. Here’s to hoping
Yeah those look pretty heavy duty to me, but we'll see! Lovely whatever the case.
That mustard one is just great. About the nicest looking UHF pattern I can recall seeing.