^Awesome, be good to see how they turned out!
They will be these…
Iron Heart/Wesco 7" Rough Out Packer
Brown oil tanned rough out
#1339 last
Heel - one lift lower
#269 Vibram
Iron Heart branded leather insole
USD800And these:
Iron Heart/Wesco 8" Smooth Out Packer
Regular toe
#705 Vibram
Heel, 1 lift lower
Iron Heart embossed leather insert
The brown rough outs look really good. Bet they will look even better with some wear.
Based the smooth one on that pair you bought a while back, didn't you?
It's got that same sort of Japanese vibe to it…
^Empty Garage has overhead shots; you'll have to sift through specific pairs to find which toe you're looking for but they're good for reference: http://emptygarage.jp/SHOP/372981/list.html
The Japanese "vibe" is taken strictly from America. Sometimes they market our look better than we do.
Perhaps, but the pair he bought was built specifically for the Japanese market.
Hey Giles, would it be possible to get an overhead view of the different toe options
I will when I can…
Boss is my favorite, too.