My first two pair arrived today: Groundouts and Jobmaster with Packer upper and MP toe and heel (custom I gues), both in oily black.
Holy crap these are nice boots. I see what all the fuss is about. They feel made for my feet, especially the Groundouts. The MP toe is interesting. Was expecting a much narrower toe profile, but it's fine. If anything it's a bit longer and even a bit roomier.
@PhilinBlanks Both pairs look great, nice haul! I especially like those MP-toe packers!
@PhilinBlanks Both pairs look great, nice haul! I especially like those MP-toe packers!
Me, too, on the MP/Packer/Jobmaster hybrid style in 7 inch. I can see why Giles went in that direction with some of his designs with Wesco. The MP is an elegant profile but still fine for doing real work.
People say that Wesco is still a workman build while Viberg has gotten more high-end, but the finishing quality on these Wescos is really first rate (not including the blems they were discounted for). Stitching, leather quality, "tight" build – it's all comparable to nice shoes like Aldens and actually better than a lot of dress shoes. Outstanding, can't wait to get the other two!
I have the same pair! I have been wearing them for a couple months. The white soles get a little dirty, but they look great! Great choice @Bluegrass
Thanks! I'm OK with the soles "toning down" a bit - really excited about these - never had anything like them.
I'm liking your roughouts, Bluegrass – and Engineer's new boots as well. Must...resist...
Actually, I got a pair that's similar to yours Engineer. They are 8" Burgundy Domain Jobmasters with Packer uppers and the MP toe and heel. Very nice, but if anything they are quite a bit longer and wider than my Groundouts and Boss boots -- though all are the same size. With the MPs I wear a dress sock inside my boot sock just to firm things up a bit.
@Engineer Come on in!
Pair #3 inbound. 10" Packers in Burgundy Domain, nickel eyelets, Vibram 430. I'm pumped! This will be my tallest pair of lace-up boots, but I'll enjoy the added support.
Burgundy domain has also become my favorite leather, and my Jobmasters are my most comfortable boots. A couple people have asked if they were Danners (
), and I would politely correct them. Here's their current state.
@Dylansboss#2 , I need to swing by the shop at some point to meet you guys and get fitted for a custom pair!
Wow, Bravo! Those are bust yourself in the mouth good. Is that the standard Packer heel height as far as you know?
@Bluegrass Thanks! I believe they're 1 lift higher.
Glad to hear it @Engineer. Enjoy 'em!
They definitely have that 40s pee wee vibe to them, especially with the box toe. Not your standard Wesco, that's for sure.