I have the same pair! I have been wearing them for a couple months. The white soles get a little dirty, but they look great! Great choice @Bluegrass
Thanks! I'm OK with the soles "toning down" a bit - really excited about these - never had anything like them.
I'm liking your roughouts, Bluegrass – and Engineer's new boots as well. Must...resist...
Actually, I got a pair that's similar to yours Engineer. They are 8" Burgundy Domain Jobmasters with Packer uppers and the MP toe and heel. Very nice, but if anything they are quite a bit longer and wider than my Groundouts and Boss boots -- though all are the same size. With the MPs I wear a dress sock inside my boot sock just to firm things up a bit.
@Engineer Come on in!
Pair #3 inbound. 10" Packers in Burgundy Domain, nickel eyelets, Vibram 430. I'm pumped! This will be my tallest pair of lace-up boots, but I'll enjoy the added support.
Burgundy domain has also become my favorite leather, and my Jobmasters are my most comfortable boots. A couple people have asked if they were Danners (
), and I would politely correct them. Here's their current state.
@Dylansboss#2 , I need to swing by the shop at some point to meet you guys and get fitted for a custom pair!
Wow, Bravo! Those are bust yourself in the mouth good. Is that the standard Packer heel height as far as you know?
@Bluegrass Thanks! I believe they're 1 lift higher.
Glad to hear it @Engineer. Enjoy 'em!
They definitely have that 40s pee wee vibe to them, especially with the box toe. Not your standard Wesco, that's for sure.