Good Art Hollywood
Fuck yes @Matt
Lil Shazam qt:
Would one of those be a small enough diameter to fit the BLBB and work with smaller keys? If so, I'd love to have something better looking than what I have. Either way, the next thing I'm gonna get is the (Notso) Pequeño (probably from SESF).
Would one of those be a small enough diameter to fit the BLBB and work with smaller keys? If so, I'd love to have something better looking than what I have. Either way, the next thing I'm gonna get is the (Notso) Pequeño (probably from SESF).
The small spring ring def fits a BLB, I am using one in my pic above. The small keys might work but it’s hard to say. You can always put some split rings on your tiny keys to make them work.
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That's what I feared might be the case. When I go to SESF to get my pequeño, I'll try one out to see if I could use just the spring ring. Less is more for me re: hardware and making a bunch of noise with said hardware
That's special af @Giles I adore the one-off stuff from GAH. Goals…
Oh that’s really cool G, I love their old FishBoy logo.
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