Watched The Bikeriders last night. Pretty damn good watch and a lot of eye candy. Made me want to smoke cigarettes the entire time and ride a bike.
@flannel-slut I’ve been wondering about this one. Nice to hear a first hand account.
Definitely psyched to see that one. Jeff Nichols is the man.
@flannel-slut I’m watching this Tuesday so will report back!
for those that have seen Romulous and Wolverine/Deadpool… which should i see @ the theater first?
@mikebarhoot - Alien Romulus for sure
Me and the Mrs caught this movie last weekend. It’s a great Independent movie. Based in freemont California circa 2008. Not giving away to much but it’s like coming of age type movie spot on for that time period, skateboarding involved etc. Highly recommend, I’m sure it will be out to stream soon.
At home we’re watching Madmen, my wife has never seen it and I haven’t watched since it aired. Worth the re watch -
@Inorganic i had foot surgery 2 weeks ago and this will be my first non dr appt outing since.
@prpx gonna boil down to timing and handicap seat. lol. alien @ 6:30 and Deadpool @ 7.
Just finished watching The Substance. First half was like an anxiety attack (reminded me a lot of requiem for a dream in a way). And then there is the second half
@flannel-slut really can’t wait to watch this