@DougNg yea she’s alright.
But I didn’t fuck up. She fucked up. It’s sad. Yada yada yada…
2001 looooooong time ago
Lol, I was attempting to downplay it
We are watching season 3 of Dark right now on Netflix. It's brilliantly shot, but there's so much to keep track of with time travel and familial alterations due to changes in history i'm like a baby sucking my thumb trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
It could really use a walking dead type after show called "talking Dark" to help explain the nuances.
@jordanscollected I feel your pain brother. When I saw that the new season was out, my immediate thought was “well, I guess it’s time to binge the whole series from the beginning for the third time now so I remember what the hell is going on and have some small change of following along”. It’s such a complicated story but it’s SOOO good.
LODGE 49. Finally started watching it… On ep 5... It's absolutely FANTASTIC...
2001 looooooong time ago
damnnnnn… must've been one hell of a story you've got there..
@louisbosco It was kinda just told in a way, in a vague metaphorical sense, and maybe just from my perspective. But, that was a powerful last thirty seconds 🥺
DEADWOOD… I honestly dunno what to fucking say else way... Other than it used to being a personal top three worthy show for me... Always has been... But my English is good enough now to realise this isn't top three... It's a #1 show... It simply is the best show ever written...
If you can watch season 2 and neither cry or laugh, you're a fucking maniac... A heathen cocksucker, in fact...
Swearingen…cocksuckah! Agree with Eli, superb.
SUCCESSION. HBO show about a family-run media conglomerate and its mainly family related events… My description doesn't do it justice... Give it a view if you can and decide for yourself (but give it three episodes)...
I'm on S02 now. It's one of the best drama series in recent years, but also has a HUGE amount of humour…
PS: drink every time Logan says "Uh-huh"...
I never thought I would say this… but I think Little House on the Prairie might be my favorite show ever. I've been watching it a lot since the pandemic with my Mom. All the stories are so moving and inspiring, a lot of them are super sad. But I have a serious bro-crush for Michael Landon and I have been trying to be kinder and more understanding like he [Charles] is on the show, and it has had a positive impact on my life. I am always counting my "blessings" for the things I have and it is the kind of positive energy I needed for these depressing times.
Also the setting is very authentic for the period and their clothes are awesome. I love how everyone has a sort of naive humility about them. I often fantasize about being a part of a community like Walnut Grove. I am usually pretty jaded about stuff and don't ever feel any kind of positive emotions. But a lot of the episodes I am always holding back tears when there is a happy or positive outcome. I'm not too proud to admit this.
Maybe check it out if you're looking for something different. Just try to have an open mind because a lot of it is pretty cheesy.
@neph93 it's ironic because I was going to mention that my other favorite show ever was Breaking Bad/ Better Call Saul.
But yeah I can dig it.
@Filthy My favourite shows as a kid included Little House on the Prairie (also included: Gilligan's Island, Leave it to Beaver, MASH, Andy Griffith, and the Carol Burnett Show), and I still watch them on occasion. Probably explains my love of humour.
It's good to see you back on the forum. You were missed!
I used to watch Gillian's Island every day when I was younger. I used to have a huge crush on Ginger until they had the reunion show and I saw what she looked like old.
@Filthy that is a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this. I think whatever gets you through is good, and if it is old school family TV and not crack cocaine or meth then that is a great thing.
Many of the Amish are sort of real life Little House.
Today Amish girls were staking tobacco and singing while working.I'm just home from work and checking the mail box and it was a beautiful moment.
But then I'm not harvesting tobacco on a hot ass day. ::)