Holding up during a crash
this tiny little hole is all the damage my 634s show after going down really hard after a truck decided to do a left turn in front of a couple of buddies and myself a few nights ago over at bikeweek. Happened so fast one guy never even touched his brakes (he's still unconscious) and I was just able to swerve enough to miss the truck but I guess I highsided… no idea. I do know I hit the pavement pretty hard and slid a good bit.
I have no idea how far I slid but I hit pretty hard (knocked me out and scuffed up the pudding bowl pretty good) and my heavy denim shirt (other brand)
scraped the ground enough to lose a button and gave some major road rash on my shoulder. I'm just wondering if one of the IH shirts would have held up better. Maybe not since I would have bought a snap shirt but who knows.
My toe cap on my Iron Rangers is really scraped up so I know those 634s had to save me from some serious damage. Glad I was wearing them.
This stuff costs an arm and a leg, but I'll be getting a new pair come fall and maybe a shirt this time.
glad you're ok and i hope your friend recovers.
ur lucky that you only have that little bruise
Did you see my shoulder
I can't raise my left arm more than an inch so it's more than a little knee bruise.
The bike is still in impound as the investigation still isn't over yet.
Buddy is still in ICU.
Thanks for the kind words. I was just hoping to point out this stuff works for it's intended purpose. The Biltwell helmet my buddy was wearing didn't help in the crash though.
Take care everyone.
damn between you & Denim Sailor, hope you are up & about by now.
Post more flicks of the jeans, I would love to see them after the accident
Ecz my prayers go out to you and your friend
Thanks. Bonnie may be totaled, still waiting to hear after all this time, but I'm almost 100% now, just still sore in a couple spots. My buddy never made it out of the hospital. Sucks hard.
My buddy never made it out of the hospital.
Dunno what to say but this is just too damn sad… Will the driver be prosecuted in any way because of this?..