IHSH-155 - Ultra Heavy Flannel Check Crazy Check Western
Temps are hovering around -20 celsius in Denver today but this IHSH-155 (size L) and IHTL-1213 (size M) combo made shoveling the walk bearable without a bulky coat. I wouldn't have believed it when I first started, but I had to unbutton this badboy by the time I got to the end of the drive.
Don't miss out on the Crazy Check goodness…the wife is loving me in this beast!
Thanks IH crew, solid as F...
Great combo with the henley!
Thanks, I haven't taken this henley off since it got here! Super impressed with it.
You're a tough sonofabitch shoveling like that in -20 Celsius. (Possibly a little bit crazy, too.)
There may have been a stiff bloody mary, a thick wool cap and a massive pair of mittens involved too…
This shirt is indeed crazy!
Great fit!
The blue is growing on me. This year's black 155 is probably my all-time favourite.Agreed 100%. It has absolutely taken over as the alpha male of my closet…
I loved all the colorways right off the bat, all pop nicely. The fact that Giles had an abundance of Blue and Red and the attention the black got made me jump on that first.
A Power Red may very well be in my future.
Said it before and I'll say it again, blue is the classic sleeper.
Black is the most appealing color to me, but blue and red are very nice too. Red is very bold tho.
Question for the fellas that have had this shirt for a while now - how much shrinkage are getting out it?
None what soever, but I always cold wash, and air dry.
Question for the fellas that have had this shirt for a while now - how much shrinkage are getting out it?
I am also a cold-wash/line-dry guy and I avoid the dryer like the plague with my high end cotton gear.
No shrinkage at all for me using the cold wash method, but I'd guess you'd get about a half size reduction if you hot washed one and threw it in the dryer on medium.
I'm sure someone out there can confirm that one for you.
You can go both ways - handwash or cold wash (or wool Setting) will result in only Little if any shrinkage, washing at above 60 degrees will shrink it half a size. I've done both depending on the fit I wanted.
Super pumped to have snagged a blue!
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