IHSH-155 - Ultra Heavy Flannel Check Crazy Check Western
Super pumped to have snagged a blue!
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@Appfaff that shirt looks fucking bad ass on you. I love the blue 155, one of my all time favorite colorways next to the black 107.
In the nature of oversharing I'll also tell you that this is the only article of clothing I have ever heard my father comment on in my 38 years of existence. "that's a nice shirt"….blew me away coming from a 72 year old man who could give two shits about style and has probably never paid more than 10 dollars for a pair of jeans.
@manufc10 - that's an awesome story! I agree - i loved the bluw 155 when it came out last year, but my $$$ had other priorities at the time. Now that the weather is a bit cooler over here, I knew which one I needed. The little orange stripe really sets the pattern off.
I will say, it's always the most random items of clothing that elicit remarks from family for me. Ironically, i wrore my MFSC tonkinoise (Snow denim) shirt to my In Laws one day and I figured they would see it as "just another denim shirt" i wear all the time. Funny enough both inlaws and my Sis-IL all commented "Man that's a really nice shirt" - must be something about the depth of fabrics that catch people's eyes when they get up close.
Very excited to pair this Blue 155 with my iHJ-46 - I think it will be a great pairing.
not to derail this thread (although I will for here for a second) and at the risk of sounding like a pompous, pretentious ass
:D, but when someone tells you how nice a piece of IH clothing is does a little voice in your head say "you're goddamn right its nice. It's fecking IH"? Mine does, but my face politely smiles and graciously accepts the comment.
Ha! I know what you mean. That can go one of two ways for me, often it's a case of "Yes I know it is, (and you have no idea)", as you say. But at my work there are a whole bunch of older female teachers, quite a stern gang, who regularly come up to me and start closely inspecting the material of my shirts or felled seams, or triple stitching. They then start nodding approvingly and saying things like "you don't see that anymore" and cooing over the quality. That's really cool.
not to derail this thread (although I will for here for a second) and at the risk of sounding like a pompous, pretentious ass
:D, but when someone tells you how nice a piece of IH clothing is does a little voice in your head say "you're goddamn right its nice. It's fecking IH"? Mine does, but my face politely smiles and graciously accepts the comment.
ha…maybe just a little bit, yes.
They're all in their 60's and teach art and design. Thing is, with Norway's status as the poorhouse of Europe before they found the oil, there is a long history of making and repairing your own clothes. Given that the industrial revolution didn't take off here until the 20th century these skills are more prevalent among the last generation than they are in the UK so these ladies know what they're talking about. Turns out felled seams are called "franske søm" (french seams) in Norwegian and when they noticed them it had them going big time. They especially love all my wabash and and my 76. One of them comments almost daily on my jeans, saying they are "proper".
I like this shirt a lot:
Looks great WDW!
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Nice @wdw, looks good and good score.
Sweet video! I too hope I find UHFs and leather jackets while out waking by the park [emoji120]
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Lots of great pics in this shirt. This is from last weekend. One of us was getting our ears pierced and it wasn't me.
Lovely picture!
Very cool pic @Sage954
BTW, is that your boy to the left of you and if so is he ok? He looks like he might have had too much to drink.