Recommend me a heavyweight denim 20oz PLUS
Well thanks to Mike (@Filthy25ozJunkie) the jeans arrived today, I can instantly understand what IH is about now. The density of indigo even after some wear and washing is beyond any other jean I have handled. And the weight is a delight! This brand is worth the premium!
The fit is great, the waist is snug but will get there after a week or so's good wear I think, the fit overall is great. I had previously thought of going 31 on my first pair… I think this may have put me in hospital! Definitely 33 or 32 at a push on a slightly lighter denim I think... Incidentally, the penny is my birth year so I had a feeling this would work out well.
I will get some pics up on the forum shortly.
I am completely stunned by Mike's kindness, this really is a great forum. Thank you for facilitating my first IH experience, I now fully understand!
Best regards,
Chris -
Filthy25ozjunkie is a good guy and very helpful!!!
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I'm so happy that you like them Chris! And thanks guys for the kind words.
I can instantly understand what IH is about now.
You're screwed now.
Welcome to the club.
Awesome gesture by Mike!
I'm torn between 777s21 and 777xhs…..I already own a pair of UB421 (tight fit 21oz). I could see myself going heavier honestly and I don't find these too uncomfortable. I also really like durability in my jeans.
Two very different denims, irrespective of weight. The IH 21oz is a loose weave, soft, breathable denim that stretches and drapes really nicely. The 25oz is denser and initially an absolute bastard to break in. Worth the effort in the long run though. If you want durability then they're both built for that. As long as you take care of them.
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Two very different denims, irrespective of weight. The IH 21oz is a loose weave, soft, breathable denim that stretches and drapes really nicely. The 25oz is denser and initially an absolute bastard to break in. Worth the effort in the long run though. If you want durability then they're both built for that. As long as you take care of them.
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I also forgot to mention that I prefer the "starchy/stacky" look rather than the soft draped look(t shirts). So I would assume 25oz would stack nicer even though the fabric is so thick?
Yes, but it's not like you can't get nice stacks with the 21oz denim.
I'm leaning towards loving the 21 oz denim a little more. It's very soft and luxurious. But the 25oz denim is very crisp (at first) until you get all the sizing out 9f them with soaks. It thickens up a bit too. It depends if you want a challenge to break jeans in (the 25oz) or you want super soft and comfy from the onset. The 21oz flagship denim creases and stacks fine if you don't wash it too much.
Also, I should add about the 25 oz xhs… I've found through experimentation over 4 pairs that if you soak them and they feel like sandpaper when they've dried, you've not gotten all the sizing out of the fabric. It isn't until about the 3rd soak do you get all the sizing out of the denim and it thickens up and gets a soft hand.
You can use this to your advantage though if you want very angular and high contrast honeycombs and creases. The sizing helps the staying power of the creases.
21 oz 822s not washed very much. The denim is so awesome.
I agree, I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite between the 21oz and the 25oz. Or hell, any of the IH denims for that matter.
@DevonReviewer Thanks for the coffee maker, Chris! I was wondering what this was. It's really cool. I guess this means you really like the Busters?
@DevonReviewer Thanks for the coffee maker, Chris! I was wondering what this was. It's really cool. I guess this means you really like the Busters?
Yes, Mike, the IHXB01's are great and will be staying on for the foreseeable future! I see trips to Gosport and more IH in the future though too.
I am still amazed by the thickness of cloth and density of the indigo, a completely different material to other denim I own.
With regards the Chemex, just a gesture to say thank you. I am a huge advocate for these, they make a great cup of coffee and a good compliment to a french press… quite a bit less bitterness to the brew as the oils are left behind in the filter, whilst they float to the top in a french press brew... I also find the Chemex a very simply but attractive design. When you mentioned coffee in the thread I thought this may make a nice gift.
Best regards.
Chris -
Yep it was a great cup of coffee. Made tea in it too. Thank you very much.