New member "Getting To Know You" World Tour
THAT was YOUR mom
Planting trees at a low income housing project. The handkerchief is somewhere. Those are railcar spikes 13.75 oz.
Forehead wiper in The Colony Grill Kitchen
@Alex my time is nearly at a close. Who is next ok the list? I went through the thread but I can't find the list. I thought there was one.
List is in post #1, @Matty123 - so over to @ionlybuy18ozplus….
jesus how did i miss that. guess i figured it wouldn't be in the first post. musta been an edit.
Beat them up good today 634S
F -
crickets on this thread? chirp chirp
@ionlybuy18ozplus hey bud. Well you're up next on the world tour. Please direct message me your address. I will send it out this week. The items came with a bunch of stickers. I took one I liked and I'm
Sending the rest your way. Maybe there is enough for everyone. -
@ionlybuy18ozplus hey bud. Well you're up next on the world tour. Please direct message me your address. I will send it out this week. The items came with a bunch of stickers. I took one I liked and I'm
Sending the rest your way. Maybe there is enough for everyone.already pm you
What's the latest on this @Matty123 @ionlybuy18ozplus
@Alex I shipped the mug, bandana, coaster and remaining stickers to Australia from the US on Aug 9th. he received it around the 17th. @ionlybuy18ozplus confirmed receipt with me today.
Hi everyone. Sorry for the shitty pic
I work part time as a retail manager and study my Master degree of data science in Sydney, Australia
So coffee is my best friend to keep me going in the evening when I can find some time to study
Boom! Good start. Has the mug seriously gone from the US to Australia on its first leg?!
It Sure did! Some bubble wrap some tape a box and $45 US. It is a world tour after all