IH, On The Streets / Missed Connections
It isn't the first time, and it sure won't be the last…. How many of you have seen someone wearing Iron Heart somewhere in your daily life (Subway, School, Bar, Concert, etc...)? I know I have. Let this be the place to introduce yourself to that person you were too shy/ embarrassed to do in person. Maybe you can even snag a quick flick of them so that they can confirm it was them. Chances are if you like/ wear IH, you are most likely on this forum or know about it.
So, I will go first. Spotted this gentleman outside of marc jacobs bookmarc on Bleecker St. last week. Who are you sir?!?!
[broken pic link]
No picture, but saw a guy wearing some 301s and a type I loading a bike into a car on 22nd ave between Quintara and Rivera in the Sunset district
Thanks Jimmy! I also saw a dude rocking the IHW-02 CPO (Red w/ IH Script on chest) right on Stanton near Epstein's in the LES a few months ago…
Saw you last night outside the Pop-Up Bar for MCC right next to 169 Bar on Broadway in the East Village. Who are you???
[broken pic link]
I was a little inebriated at this point but I am pretty sure you were rocking the IHSH-20 with some Rick Dunks???
You (Beats, G & P) telling me you have not seen anyone in Japan wearing IH randomly?!?!
Saw a woman wearing a red IHSH-11 at a restaurant last night. I resisted being the asshole that offered her cash for it.
Was she good looking? Why no photo? And I don't care what size it was I would have left with it.
And I don't care what size she was I would have left with her.