Giles's Kanreki Weekend - Gosport - 16th/17th September 2017
Excellent work. I'm loving reliving the weekend through everyones pics.
Not to be a physical part of this IH-Moment feels much more easier, with all of your pics
True colors…
Pics from ROman and SamAs I only now @Sam , @Sarina and @ @rocket in person, I enjoyed yours and everyone's smile.
Thanks @Madame Buttonfly . Seems you had some red lines in your hand over the weekend
As I stated at the beginning of these posts, it really was great meeting with you all. @Giles and @Madame Buttonfly did a superb job with all of the events, and grand finale of the party.
Great pics and great to meet you Sam.
Good to know that someone appreciates the Riders jacket as much as I do!
Hope your journey back was a good one.
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Pint of ale with a Chardonnay chaser for @Megatron1505
Turbo Shandy taken to another upmarket level
Unfortunately I was only holding it for one of the karaoke queens
Time flies. Hard to believe that its already a week since the Great Kanreki weekend.
yeah i don't wanna go back to work this coming weekend…
Just wanted to (belatedly) say it was great to see everyone down in Gosport a couple of weeks ago. Such a fantastic bunch of people there for @Giles big day.
Huge thanks to @Madame Buttonfly for all her hard work making it happen
See all you beautiful people again soon! (I hope ;))