IH-888S-21 - 21oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - Indigo
Just gave my pair to a local denim tailor for some crotch repair after about 2 years. I'm looking forward to getting them back in a couple weeks and putting them back through their paces. Maybe I'll post some fade pics when I get 'em back!
How long does it take for the part below the knee to conform more to the leg. This is the part that has the least tension. Does this only become softer after washing?
@SashaDBZ , not really. Washing never make that part of my jeans pliable. Just time and wear.
Still looking at a November drop on these or did I miss them? Looking for a mid 30's sizes.
@schraiber Perfect fit that! I'm going to grab a pair as soon as they're restocked at Rivet & Hide
@m4xime Thanks man. I actually think if I got them again I'd maybe go up a size---they're just a little snug on my waist, especially when I tuck something in. And wouldn't necessarily mind a tiny bit more space in the leg, just to fit in with that Gen Z style
@schraiber That looks great! Did you find the waist stretched out over time or stayed the same? Trying to get a sense of what to expect on my first pair. TY
@schraiber That's interesting as I was thinking of potentially sizing down with the 1" inch stretch that tends to happen
@meltdown It definitely stretched a bit, and I priced that in, but I think I may have been a slight bit too hopeful. Honestly, it's a situation where it's basically fine if I'm not tucking a shirt in, but it's just slightly uncomfortable when I am tucking.
For contrast, I have these in size 33 and they're maybe 16.75 inches flat, while I have a pair of 888 ducks in 34 that are maybe 17 inches flat, and the ducks are significantly more comfortable just with that quarter inch flat/half in total.
@WhiskeySandwich 100 wears wow they look fanatic man. Didn't wait till 100 to wash this time? Not knocking, just curious.
@Oaktavia yeah after the the ib and sbg, going 100 wears without a wash I realized it doesn’t seem to make that much of a difference for fades, but I had some fray deterioration that was probably from the buildup. I figured some gentle handwashing would help with longevity. My current thinking is it’s best to do a soapy soak and thorough rinse every 30-40 wears. It’s so easy to just not wash tho lol, I could easily go to the death and not wash. Worrying about fade drift or marbling or fit adjustments seems dumb, but the jeans want a wash if they’re going to last long.
@WhiskeySandwich cool man, that all makes sense to me. Thanks for sharing, I'm always interested in your ways as I dig your fades.
@Oaktavia thanks brotherman! Likewise! There is a method to the madness. I approach denim with a stupid kind of careless obsession lol. I enjoy exchanging notes.
@WhiskeySandwich yes indeed as do i
@Oaktavia another thought on the fades-per-wash thing: after I hit 100 on the ib, I wore 7 days and washed, then another 7 and washed again, and maybe it’s my wash method but it doesn’t seem to affect fades at all. Cold soak 20 mins. Drain tub, fill with hot, add about a tablespoon of soap as it fills. Let sit for 20, lift, set, lift, set, drain. Rinse hot, repeat lifts. Hang dry. It’s minimal agitation I guess. Works for me!
Move to “duds in suds”?