IHxB01xOD - Beatle Buster 21oz Japanese Selvage Denim Overdyed
So I finally got my shit together with respect to obtaining some IH over-dyed goodness. 3rd time lucky!
The first attempt was size 34 666's bought from SE last year. They broke my balls and got sent back (the jeans, not my balls. They're still round here somewhere).
Second attempt was BB od's size 34. Nice, but considering how these things stretch I knew they would end up too big.Finally, the size 33 BB's, and I'm happy as the proverbial pig in shit.
Only a few days into these, but sooooo damn comfortable and they fit like a knob in a hole. The waist has stretched from an intial 32 inches to 33 and a bit, with a little more stretching expected.
t-shirt tucked in for your viewing pleasure
that's penne in the jar, for all you pasta aficionados:
one for the ass men out there:
Cons and IH…fuck yeah!
These pictures brought to you by one of the most kick-arse albums ever made:
Thankyou and come again.
Looks awesome RnR! Anyway I'm just asking, sorry if I sound stupid but why does the 666Sod look black but yours look very blue? Isit just pictures? Thought these 2 pairs are the same but just different cut?
It's just the way the pics turned out - could be the cheap camera or the fact that I'm a shithouse photographer. They are actually pretty black looking.
There's about to be a showdown. I've been giving the BBod and Indo's equal lovin' lately but some 666XHS are about to come into the mix….
cool. cos I just got a 666Sod and they definitely didn't look that blue like yours.
kinda like your tone of blue though. even if it's just in pictures.
Are the color on these more dark blue or black as fuck? And I feel like I read somewhere that this was old school od….any truth in that?
the color is hard to describe I would not call them black black the way the 9xxx denim is straight black, but also not just dark blue, to me regular indigo jeans new raw I would call dark blue. I guess they're kinda what you would imagine, sorta blackish dark blue
what do you mean by old school OD? IH OD has always been done the same way, though the look of the OD jeans has changed a bit, the stuff from around 2007-08 and earlier was not as dark as the later OD. but nowadays (including these BB's) it all looks similar (very dark)
my buster od fitpict after I hemmed this beast to 32"
will use this as my amunition for heavyweight batle at darahkubiru forum,more detail please visit :
http://www.darahkubiru.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6407 -
Those look great. Pretty sure this is my next purchase after I beat my indigo busters