IHSH-180 - Ultra Heavy Flannel Classic Check Western Shirt
Have an XXL coming my way. Should be here Friday. Wanted one bigger than my normal XL as I wanted to be able to layer under this slightly and liked how my XXL IHSH193 fits
Tried to resist this bad boy but thankfully managed to persuade myself I needed it, oh and I had a bit ot of IH credit….and it's getting cooler now...plus I work damn hard dontcha know...here for a good time not a long time...don't see no hurses with luggage racks.
I'm very pleased for you @Cole . Made me sad to hear of your troubles at checkout.
Thanks, @neph93 .
I actually missed, that they where allready live at R&H. Luckily I checked this threat again, after I wrote a PM to Danny and managed to order one.
So everything turned out fine for me, after all the excitment with the tech stuff. ???
@Giles are there more or less of the workshirts coming? And will any retailers take them?
The Same number coming to IHUK as the IHSH-180.
Denim Heads
Like the Kanreki that we have 70 left of? Or the IHSH-155's, that we still have 70 left of (I still have 30 in Japan that I have not bought over yet)? If we had empirical evidence that we would sell more of everything, we would bring in more of everything, our intent is to match demand as best as possible and piss fewest people off. Give me a crystal ball and I may be able to achieve that…
Like the Kanreki that we have 70 left of?
Sorry to hear that. I bought one. (Happy belated birthday, by the way!) But like I said, and you've said, you can't predict what's going to happen far in advance. I just think that with all the demand for the 180, if you do make a run of green or brown, you should make more than you did of the red, including the mediums. Maybe I just took the call for fewer of my size personally.
Anyway, good luck with all your future estimations.
Here's another thing. In this game, what happens in the past has little bearing on the future.
We released a green shirt a few years ago, it sold out in about an hour. A few months later we made another green shirt, I ordered shit loads. Hardly any of them sold because everyone who wanted a green shirt had already bought one….. ::) ::)
You need this. The crystal ball, not the wicked witch or the evil flying monkey. Though flying monkey could prove useful on overnight deliveries.
I just think that with all the demand for the 180, if you do make a run of green or brown, you should make more than you did of the red, including the mediums. Maybe I just took the call for fewer of my size personally.
Anyway, good luck with all your future estimations.
even though there's a lot of enthusiasm for the brown and green variants I don't think the red selling out is a reliable predictor that these other colors will sell better. Besides, running out of something is a good problem to have, no? Another way of looking at it is if you're one of the lucky few that snagged a 180 then it's that much more valuable due to the limited quantities. Amirite?
This rhetoric is kind of getting old:
G: I didn't order enough, my mistake. Given my past experience I made the decision I thought was best at the time, and while I do my best to anticipate demand, I clearly underestimate this one.
Forum member: You didn't order enough! Next time order more!
Come on guys, read the previous comments (both here and on the other 180 thread). G feels like shit about what happened here but did what he thought was best at the time he ordered these (months and months ago).
I think we can be a bit more respectful and understanding about the situation…. -
Here's another thing. In this game, what happens in the past has little bearing on the future.
We released a green shirt a few years ago, it sold out in about an hour. A few months later we made another green shirt, I ordered shit loads. Hardly any of them sold because everyone who wanted a green shirt had already bought one….. ::) ::)
This reminds me of years ago when I would hang out at Union LA all the time. Visvim FW 2010 was about to start shipping and teaser pics popped up on hypebeast of a pair of really heavy hiking boots, union didn't order any of them, and that day they received 20 phone calls about them. When I asked the owner why he didn't order he told me "retail on those is $1100, and if the guys who CAN afford $1000 boots doesn't buy them, then we will be stuck with them"
Has anyone pimped his or hers with white snaps?