IH-2526J - 17oz Duck Modified Type III - Brown
well done Rafa ;), really like that one on you….
I know I am going against my own rule but I just wanted to echo the above sentiments. Really a perfect fit on you sir. Can't wait to see your natural evolution over the next few years. Cheers
I know I am going against my own rule but I just wanted to echo the above sentiments. Really a perfect fit on you sir. Can't wait to see your natural evolution over the next few years. Cheers
thanks a lot sir…and it really means a lot coming from you (and all the others as well!)...
thanks guys for being so honest (all the time!)...I fecking love this place! -
a piece of duck in there. finn can't have allt he fun:
That's some crazy layering, MM! I can see why you bought a XXXL
Love to see pictures with all that IH layering. Fantastic Monday!
thanks paul9221
i had an xl & i couldn't do up the buttons, but it would have gotten some great combs in the sleeves
i skipped the xxl & just went supersized cause you know 3 Xs are so much better than 2 Xs
My height is 1.92m with long arms so i choosed the xxxl.
Nice! Can't wait to see it on you.
UPS courier just delivered it,wow!
The jacket is unreal in construction(in every detail)and fit,worths every penny!
Amazing fit and color(much better in real) ,never had imagined that denim jacket can fitted so nice on me..I got my first compliment from my 8 years daughter..
Thank you Paula and Giles for the amazing stuff that you carry.