DWC2 - Picture Updates Thread
I love how everyone's giving this last push MAX EFFORT! This comp is putting the full potential of heavyweight raw denim on display in all its glory, well worth the time spent.
Last ditch effort for the next week. Heading camping Tues for a few days and will certainly give them a workout coupled with all-temp-a-cheer weather.
Just washed
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Great pair @Brock
Shots at night with a bit of foreground lighting. Can't believe they're at ~2 years!
I had hoped for a more ceremonial ending to the DWC2, but I guess it's fitting, these last two years have been a test in spiritual fortitude and a finish at record low temperatures seems appropriate
In the words of Belinda Carlisle "heaven is a place on earth"
Ok guys, last day today and a happy Halloween.
New photo threads for final submissions will be up tomorrow both here and on the IH forum, along with the email address for voting.
For your final submissions I would suggest…
Current condition pics
Evolution pics
Detail pics
Your favourite pics from the last two years, which can be any travel you have done or just your favourite fun shots you have taken.
Well done to all that made it, and I’ll be checking that you did make the full two years, let’s get this thing done!
God that 2 years flew by. Can’t wait to see the final results from everyone.
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Just noticed that I copy and pasted that last post from my SuFu post…...amateur error
Last day in these. Looking forward to seeing them after a wash. Bit worried the wash will make the holes bigger.
It's been an absolute pleasure wearing these. Comfy from the get go. They have taken a hell of a lot of abuse at work and only recently have the holes really started coming.
Can't believe it's been another 2 years. I'm looking forward to seeing how many fellas made it, and what they're jeans look like.
As much as I'm just meh about my contest pair, I've become attached to and used to wearing them daily. Not sure what I'm gonna wear next… I have a lot to choose from, both worn and BNWT, but feel the need to find something new.
Crossing the finish. It's been real
This thread just keeps giving and giving!!!! Great fades you guys my mind is totally blown
Final submission. What a crazy 2 years. I am newly married after getting a divorce. My kiddo just started college and I started a new job. Phew!
A few of my favorite shots
Camping in Moab
The more relaxed fit was great for riding.
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Really enjoyed your motorcycle pics @summ3rhays