2009 Edition - Iron Heart & Triple Works edition WAYWT
Ironhearts not chainstitched ..blasphemy
I gotta say I agree with beatle. I understand that different people live in different parts of the world and may not be able to access a proper Chainstitcher, but if you are going to order a pair of IH's why not go all the way and finish off the job… Properly?
Look at the hem of your IH jeans from the inside. You will see two threads that form like chain links or teardrops. On the outside you only see a single stitch.
With the normal stitching there is only a single thread outside AND inside.
The chainstitching is stronger and it will also give a somewhat irregular, bubbly hem. That's where you get what I'd call crown fading all around the leg opening.
Damn Till, your knowledge of textile/denim rivals my knowledge of computers, software and operating systems ! Thanks for the explanation. I didn't know that chainstiched-or-not made one shit of difference to the way the jean fades but now I've learned something. In that case, yes, agreed…with IH, you should definitely wait for chainstiched -- if you can.
Look at the hem of your IH jeans from the inside. You will see two threads that form like chain links or teardrops. On the outside you only see a single stitch.
With the normal stitching there is only a single thread outside AND inside.
The chainstitching is stronger and it will also give a somewhat irregular, bubbly hem. That's where you get what I'd call crown fading all around the leg opening.
In fact it is a moot point whether chain-stitching is in fact stronger than ordinary stitching. Because the looped chain on the inside sits proud of the denim, it is more prone to wear.
That said, what chain stitching does do is really enhance the "roping" of the stitched hem as it fades. And that is what a lot of people love
OK, as promised…here I am in SEXIH03BK, from Self Edge in San Francisco, W28, length unaltered. SEXIH03BK are also known as the Black Iron Heart Cyclist Jeans. I like wearing these belt-less. Note the awesome copper crotch rivet ! I ABSO-FUCKIN-LUTE-LY LOVE these jeans !
Giles -- I'm dead serious about this. Tell Haraki-San the next time you chat that I
will model IH products for him FOR FREE ! All he has to do is pay for my travel expenses. Don't know if he'll be interested but I think I look pretty fuckin' good wearing his shit. Or his photog crew can come to The Bay Area -- whatever works ! -
Looks very good indeed! Nice smile, too, it was a happy day, no? Only thing I could criticize would be the hat. Color (less) and style (more so) aren't up to speed with the rest of the stuff, especially paired with the nice leather jacket. I'd choose a watchcap, possibly in ribbed knit, of solid color. Get a black one to start with. Work great for men, too.
That one is double layer 6-ply. VERY NICE! But not ribbed.http://www.amazon.com/Principe-Salina-Black-Ribbed-Cashmere/dp/B0007DGVNK/ref=pd_sbs_a_6
This one is ribbed but only single layer as far as I can tell. No idea of the ply count.http://www.alberene.com/prodinfo.asp?number=XWC
Now this one is super classic. Perhaps the most suitable in my eyes. Single layer, 3-ply from Scotland, cheap, too.Till
Looks very good indeed! Nice smile, too, it was a happy day, no? Only thing I could criticize would be the hat. Color (less) and style (more so) aren't up to speed with the rest of the stuff, especially paired with the nice leather jacket. I'd choose a watchcap, possibly in ribbed knit, of solid color. Get a black one to start with. Work great for men, too.
tfar, you have a quite an abundance of knowledge and opinions. Wondering if we are ever gonna get to see some flicks of you and "Your" IH's?
Lando, thanks for the compliment. If I am not mistaken I'd have to upload the pics on flicker first, no? Oh, and I'd have to take some in the first place. Just imagine a 180cm more or less slim guy in a pair of 634SR and a pair of 9634Z…
Nothing to post a picture about, I'm afraid.
Shub, nice trip. Kinda jealous. I was just in Paris in November and lived and studied there for five years. If you need any tips, let me know. Go to the boutique in the Marais called "L'Eclaireur". It's Rue de Rosier and they have another one 50m down the street. I think it is Rue Malher. 4th Arrondissement. Very nice area anyway. It's where I lived. L'Eclaireur has been the hippest shop in Paris for more than ten years. No easy thing to pull off. The other one is Colette. Rue St. Honore, I think. Go there only at the end of your trip or you will spend all your eating budget.
I actually wear, depending on the outfit and occasion, a rabbit felt Borsalino Traveller Fedora with a 3" brim in dark grey or a Chullo, one of these Peruvian alpaca caps. A friend from Peru gave it to me and the thing is way better than anything else I've seen in that category. I have a range of other hat coverings but a nice watchcap is definitely missing. I got a French sailors beanie from Armor Lux in white with navy stripes, though. Wonder where that is...
Till, That is one Chunky Belt! If you want to upload you flicks to flickr or Photobucket that is always an option as well but not necessary as Giles stated previously. Uploading to one of these sites also allows you to rotate, blur, size, etc… If you would rather have your photos appear full size when someone opens/ reads a thread, I would recommend one of these sites.
Till, That is one Chunky Belt! If you want to upload you flicks to flickr or Photobucket that is always an option as well but not necessary as Giles stated previously. Uploading to one of these sites also allows you to rotate, blur, size, etc… If you would rather have your photos appear full size when someone opens/ reads a thread, I would recommend one of these sites.
Personally, when I want to do that I use:
Shoque put me onto it, and I love it.
Thanks for all the image help. I'm not exactly tech challenged and even have a flickr account but it's just too much trouble.
Yes, the belt can literally knock one out. It is actually comfortable now, though. But when I got it, it was so stiff that when I took it off after trying it on in the shop, I had to pull it strongly and the loose end just flew out and almost hit the pretty, young shop assistant. Luckily, she took a quick step back. I apologized and said: "No worries, I won't hit you with the belt." I didn't think anything behind it. Says the little minx with a smile:"At least not with this one, please!" After my jaw was back in it's "normal" position I assured her that I had no intention of hitting her with anything at all.
Thanks for all the image help. I'm not exactly tech challenged and even have a flickr account but it's just too much trouble.
Too much trouble? Come on man that is horse shit. You are now currently the 3rd highest poster on this forum and you have posted a million opinions, observations, and questions but only ONE flick?!? As far as I see it, you get what you give on forums. It seems odd to call it trouble to add to a community that you take so much from. Just my opinion.
On another note I dig your belt and would love to see more items in your arsenal… -
Well, if it is so important to see more. I will take some pics and post them. If I say too much trouble, I don't mean it's not worth it for the forum. I mean I'm lazy in that sense. And I am not the most public person, either. At least when images are concerned.
3rd highest poster? Oh, dear! Gotta take it easy.