^looks beautiful.
nothing to worry about max. i always immediately regret every tattoo i get, but then 2 days later i'm glad that i did it.
That's a good thing to know in advance
Thanks. I'll post when it's done…
i agree with what riff said,happened with all of my tattoos but after 2 or 3 days im happy as you
re gonna be really stoked once its healed up. -
A little question to the experts: Is it really necessary to avoid sports for three weeks after getting tattooed? I've been sick for 2 weeks now and am desperate to get healthy again and play football and do some workout. What could be the possible effects of doing sports, let's say 1 week after the session?
I worked out a day or two after my tattoo…
Both my fiancee and tattoo artist said the same thing: treat it as a wound. Keep it clean, don't let it dry out. Use antibacterial soap a few times a day for the first three days, then follow my usual routine (usually twice a day) after that with the antibacterial soap for another two weeks after that. I used a higher end non scented lotion to keep it from drying out and forming a scab
The other thing they told me specific to the tattoo was to stay out of pools and hot tubs because of the chlorine and don't let it get exposed to sunlight or else it'll get washed out (I was on vacation in Vegas)
I asked Cornfed if I should follow some advice that I shouldn't wash it for a couple days and he flipped his shit on me and nearly cracked me one.
Thanks Doug!
That's what my artist told me too - keep it moist, prevent cracking of the "wound", don't expose sunlight or chlorine. Makes sense to me, but avoid sport? Dunno, I'll talk to her once it's done. All in all, 3 weeks should be enough to fully heal up, no? -
I'd use aquaphor for the first 2-3 days to keep it from cracking, then after that start using a non-scented lotion (I use Lubriderm Sensitive, it has no fragrance or anything like that)
I used aquaphor for all 3 sessions on my side and barely had any scabbing or itching,Also, it takes about 2-3 weeks for it to heal, but actually takes a few months for a new layer of skin to actually grow back, from what I understand.
I wouldn't work out for a few days, depending where your tattoo is/how sore you are.
I was told to wait a few hours to shower after each session, just to let the ink set in a bit, after that just
wash regularly! -
yeah …aquaphor then aveeno for me.
Good to know, I'm hella tired
I've got no experience, that's why I settled for the worst.
^Tell me about it. I would have gone for my underarm, if I was my own boss…