IHSH-208-IND - Indigo Kersey Western Shirt
Well done Stubborn Crew! Beautiful shirt.
How about a non-trad color for the next one…garnet?
What snaps are people using? I might just stick with the default ones…
I went with 20" copper rims…er, snaps...pimp my kersey!
Can't believe I missed this, but thankfully we are lucky enough to have Rivet & Hide around, so I got one off them!
x2. I checked the IH stock at one point during the day and there were 5 xl’s. Decided to mow the lawn and when I finished they were all gone. Thankfully I was able to get one from Danny.
@Chad mac I agree. This shirt is a great length and fit. This fabric has a lot of stretch to it and I was not expecting something so soft and heavy from the bag…WOW! Some amazing amazing fabric! Definitely one of my favs of all time instantly. Be wearing this and my UHF this fall/winter
By the way, LOVE these snaps
Yeah I’m in in this… later on. Xmas gift if I can find it at another retailer
This needs to be ran as a CPO
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or as a modified type III. But then again, it could turn out uglier than hell
When I asked about heavier garments, I think @Alex indicated there's more looseness and drape to the fabric than is apparent in photos, which could challenge a jacket pattern.