IHWE-FP-BLK - Iron Heart Int'l x Wesco® - 7" Rough-Out Boot - Black. The "Foot Patrol"
I am not sure they are a member here, but I saw someone on Instagram has these and waxed them. They turned out really good. I've got the Alex BLK but damn these are smoking too.
Didn’t realize what a fan of black boot I was
@Seul they look great.
I don’t suppose these could be ordered with black stitching instead of brown stitching? Asking for a friend…
I don’t suppose these could be ordered with black stitching instead of brown stitching? Asking for a friend…
For sure. It would take a few months to get made but custom orders are one of the wonders of the IH/Wesco relationship.
That sounds like bad news for my wallet. I mean my friend’s wallet. So theoretically could they be ordered through the IH website and drop-shipped to
memy friend from Wesco? Or would they have to take a trip to Gos Vegas first? -
We'd ship direct from Wesco, not that the price would be any different. Tell your friend to email shop@ironheart.co.uk if he wants to go ahead.
I’ll be sure to let him know.
[mention]xtcclassic [/mention] - my “friend” may have just done the same thing [emoji16][emoji16][emoji16]
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I love the way the black roughout looks new, I’m just wondering how difficult it will be to keep them looking that nice. I haven’t owned any roughout shoes before.
I came to the realization that my Red Wings were in desperate need of a resole and weren’t going to make it another 2-3 months while I waited for a custom pair, and I have no other shoes that work for my job, so I just ordered a stock pair of these. I’ll see if the brown stitching grows on me, otherwise there’s always the black Sharpie option I guess.
I have brown stitching on both my black Wesco Engineers. One roughout, one not. I find it very subtle and and not in contrast at all. Unless you’re going for a totally murdered out pair with black midsoles, eyelets and everything then the brown touches just add depth to the colourway. I have a feeling you’ll be happy [emoji6]
I’ve seen some “in the wild” pics where it’s super subtle, but in a lot of close up pics it’s a lot less so and almost looks pinkish-purple. There’s a guy on Instagram that waxed his and they look amazing, almost looks like he dyed the stitching: