Grilling, Smoking, BBQ, etc. WAYCT (What Are You Cooking Today) Outdoor Edition
Just dropping a quick coal recommendation. I’ve always used the KJ big block, which I’ve found to be pretty good. Spotted the Big K restaurant grade in the local supermarket at £22 for 15kg (vs around £25 per 9kg for KJ BB). It’s absolutely excellent:
Can you guys recommend a good grill like that one that isn't 12 hundred dollars?
In short. No
The classic Weber Kettle Grill is about $150 and will serve you very well!
I was going back through this thread to look at BBQ porn and never saw any of this. Weber kettles are terrific and incredibly flexible for indirect and direct applications, and you can add a Smokenator Classicto convert them into a water smoker to make them even better at indirect applications. The picture is showing no tpo grate, but the Smokenator is designed to fit under the hinged wings on the sides of the top grates, which is how I ran mine. They work great! I used to smoke spare ribs, butts, and chicken all the time on there. Easy to do multi-zone and finish off smoked chicken wings, for example, on direct heat to give them some texture. @Filthy
Looks great. how was it.
For the first attempt, flavour was very good and the chicken was tender and moist. I pulled the chicken off the grill at 163 degree and let it set, but I wish I had pulled it off just a little sooner. 90% of it was perfect, but you can tell it was just starting to overcook when we ate it.
As a novice to the green egg and these style grills I can see why they are so popular. Very easy to use and they turn out exceptional products. The pulled pork last weekend was outstanding and the chicken is too. A few corrections and I think the next one will be perfect.
I'm heading out tomorrow in search of some different wood chips for smoking. I normally use hickory and mesquite, but want some pecan and apple (if I can find it here). My wife's family owns quite a large apple orchard, so maybe I will just make some of my own.
Very fun and a great new way to grill. Love the convenience of gas, but the flavour of charcoal can't be beat.
Now bring on the vegetables…
Rotisserie bone in prime rib on the Breeo.
Did two smaller butts to maximize bark ratio.
Pulled pork and fixins leftover hash the next morning.
@mclaincausey I’m finishing a 4 hour stall and drooling…Good job and nice butts
What the hell did I do wrong? Grill temp and the surface is 220-250. Indirect set up with a drip tray filled with water. Two butts on the grill almost touching but some space (~1-2 inches).
Sprayed 3 times throughout with apple spray.
This is taking forever…currently 13 hours. Butts are 4.5-6 pounds.