The leather is actually really thick and pretty stiff. Was kind of surprised (in a good way). The leather wraparound laces and the texture of the sole are nice touches. While they're not mass appealing they're definitely unique and I'm glad I snagged 'em. I think they will start to look even better once worn-in.
Oh man those are nice!!! KUDOS!
that's a nice looking pack.
good flicks nameness.
see these are both up my alley.
not that i'm low key or anything but those "folks" are a bit too rockNroll for my old a$$
The Logans are rad, they also come in a "lo" version (not my pic):
Monday - I'm tempted to ship these to you just so you can touch them. You won't believe how soft they are. These are one of the more common models I see floating around lightly used, you should be able to snag a pair pretty easily. Just a heads up they run half a size big.
Finn - Too many.
My Yucca Moc Folk. These will be going up for sale shortly. Great shoes, just don't wear 'em enough.
that's what i'm talking about.
those do look like a good shoe for a missle.
Damn, you really don't fuck around…