IH-777D - 17oz Duck Super Slim Tapered Cut Jeans - Brown
@rocket and @Southseadenim both look awesome!
Same combo, different day
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With a hem, do you all think these would work? Or do you think I need a bigger opening? I think it works and feels comfortable. Thoughts?
If you think it works and feels comfortable, then the answer is yes.
Screw everyone else's opinion…
Wise words!
Here's a better picture.
Looks great (once they're hemmed, that is).
Thanks again. It turned out awesome.
BTW, for all those interested, I asked my sister-in-law, who is from Japan, what the "Boss" wrote, and it basically says Iron Heart in Japanese.
Could use a little hem (or not cause stacks are cool too) but I'm very happy with these. Love the fit.