IH-634SR - 21/23oz 5 Year Anniversary Straight Cut
Adam313 & Giles, do we really need to soak the jeans overnight to get rid all the shrinkage in it?
as far as i know,ppl usually soak their jeans about 1-2 hour(s).. so is there a significant shrinkage between soaking this SR for 2 hours and overnight? -
Well I must admit I am only following directions as jaco said. The info is on page 35 in this thread, as well as bits and pieces of info on other pages.
"Overnight" seems to be subjective even around this forum. On my first pair, I needed to shrink as much as possible, so I soaked them for 17.5 hours with three water changes (Overnight-15h, Soak-1.5h, Soak-1h) and multiple agitations. But I was considered a freak by the people who responded to my post, so 17.5 hours might be on the extreme end of the soak spectrum. But truth be told, my jeans came out like velvet, and the fades are amazing, and after only a few months. I got 1.75" shrink in the length, 1" in the waist, and ~.5" in the width, all in all just about average from what's been posted here in the past.
This time the measurements were perfect, so I soaked as long as I slept, which was 7 hours. I rinsed and dried them just as before, but this time they were not as soft as the first pair IMO, but they were just as fuzzy.
My guess is that the extended soaking time allows the water to penetrate into this supa-tight woven denim. All the threads are so thick that they might benefit from some time to relax. There were stories of this denim tearing itself to shreds because it didn't get a chance to soak before it was subjected to extended wear.
And I do not doubt the master that knows how to make things I do not know how to make. I say, "yes sir, I will soak as you say, thank you sir, domo arigato."
good post adam. you caused me to scrap my response as u did such a fine job
maybe i'm not feeling well
nice explanation Adam, i might do the overnight soak too in the near future
When I got my SRs they were soaked once, only very light wear. I put them in washing machine inside out and gave them delicate spin at 40°C no spin. I didn't notice any significant shirinking at that point anymore.
I think this info is valuable for coming 634S RAW21/23…
Yes, this will be a valuable information for those who'll buy the 634S-RAW,
recently i just picked up a pair of SR from rakuten through japan proxy(lucky me there's a 36 available, im a true 35 btw), will do the soaking advice to get a lot of shrinkage so it'll fit nicer. -
I must admit I didn't do the overnight soak thing, just typical hour or so tub soak
but when I got my SR I was not aware of harakis instructions or even this forumSame here, although I might have soaked them like that twice. I knew about the instructions, but chose to ignore them.
bastard that i am will not say they look amazing until i see the fronts
**those are maxp worthy combs