IHWE-MRLOU-BLK - Wesco® - 10" Horsehide Pull-On "Mister Lou" Engineer Boot - Black
Thank you. I look forward to seeing your choice(s)!
They’ve crossed my mind @Giles believe me. However I can lack imagination, and some visual stimulus to see how these products would fare would help, hence me pleading here for pics.
The nattys no doubt possess the greatest potential, but as I’m personally buying into how they’ll look in 2 years time, a picture of a time worn pair would certainly get my slippy finger sliding again! I know these are new, so that’s not gonna always be possible, but to make my point, Redwings USA once included, alongside pics of a fresh pair, a photo of a totally broken in pair of their 8083’s, I was immediately soled,my first pair of boots in fact.
Only a few things in life grow more beautiful with wear than a pair of Wesco’s. -
Well, to put it mildly, after some 'initial wrestling' I feared these were just not right for me as I simply could not get my feet inside.
Gotta share my gratitude to @Chesson without your help today man, I think I may have given up, or at some point soon passed out!
Now my feet are in, I love em!
They’re looking real nice already @GC…how did you manage to overcome getting them on???🥵
Cheers @Baba-san I am delighted how quickly they’ve taken.
To get them on I simply had to remove the inner soles for a week. Doesn’t sound much, but just a few mm, helped me articulate my feet in. Once in they fit a treat. Inner sole has since been replaced, which took me back a step, but I can already remove the left boot with relative ease. The right is still playing hard ball.
ah… good to know I am not the only one struggling with the initial fit on Wescos.
I had a similar problem with my Jobmasters.. not the 'getting them on' part, but with the fit of them once my fit was in. Like you, I experimented with having foot soles in, out and different socks etc. I managed to get them broken in but it took me a while.... perhaps I should have gone for the slightly wider 'E' fitting rather than the 'D' as they were tight across the toe box.
The Engineers will be my next purchase so I need to carefully consider the width... did you run with the standard 'D's??
I went with the D fitting, on the basis all my RW's are and I've never considered the width an issue. On reflection, perhaps I should have tried the E, as it might have eased the breaking in process. Having said that, and as I said before, now my feet are in, they also fit me perfectly. I just need the area atop of the foot, beneath the strap, to soften a little more, its after all only been a week, and I'm sure the initial struggle with them was worth it. They truly live up to their rep.
"Nothing worthwhile is easy, as they say''
Thanx for the response… I wish I could try both widths before taking the plunge :-\
thanks Giles… that sounds like a plan....
For what it’s worth, my ideal Wesco fit is a 10D on a MP last, and I’d do the same for a boss last and enjoy the extra room.
However, I have engineers on both ends of the spectrum - I have the 1940s boss with MP toe in a 9.5E and the mr Lou in a 10.5E.
Going down did cause a ton of break in discomfort, but after a few months of wearing them one or twice a week - where the leather seams are stitched were the main areas of discomfort - they stretched a good amount and I have very comfortable boots / especially with thin socks.
The mr lous sized up have been a dream to break in. Yes they have some give and wiggle, but I just tighten the straps down and am good to go. I’m sure after years of wear, I might get a bit of uneven wear due to a bit of sliding, but it works for me and gives me a little bulkier boot to wear with some of my wider pants.
Not giving advice so much as sharing experience.
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Man, I am so torn between D and E width. Living in Sweden ordering double doesn't work as well for me. Going 9D in Red Wing Iron Rangers without a problem suggest that I should go with that but other say they are a bit slimmer than normal. I'd happily take any advice I can get.
Btw, any signs of a restock in a near future?
Honestly, I used to wear a 10D in Iron rangers and my ideal size in Mr Lou would be a 10E if I got another pair. You can easily make them snugger - it’s expensive making them bigger.
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Good point, thanks for the reply. It's nervewrecking ordering 700 euro boots without trying them but these seem worthy of the risk
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They are worth it!
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Great looking boots @Appfaff