IHJ-54-BLK - Japanese Horsehide Rider's Jacket with Collar - Black (Tea-Core Dye
@Alex thank you.
how tall you are? 83kg? -
Help me Obi-Wan… So the XXL arrived and I'd love some sizing feedback. The XL fit looks "cleaner" but is snug when layered and zipped. It's trimmer than my XL IHJ-35 but the look suits the jacket design IMO, especially since it would rarely (if ever) be zipped up. The XXL is roomier when layered/zipped. However I feel it looks somewhat oversized, both in the body and sleeves.
So... what say you all?
First comparison is with a 3sixteen heavyweight t-shirt only. Here is the XL:
And here is the XXL:
I think the XL looks way better but I prefer my jackets to be pretty fitted and I’ll deal with a bit less comfort to achieve a fitted look. I guess I’m a vain little bitch.
@Manticore, I have leathers that fit both ways. But it's the particular jacket's design that makes the difference. This one begs for a slimmer fit, imo. Given that it's a thick horsehide, that means it's going to be warm but it's so beautiful you don't need to take it off if you want to stay cozy. Imagine sitting in the pub, you'll just wear the jacket with a proper tee. So I too prefer the way the XL fits you here. There are no bad calls here.
Thank you for the feedback gentlemen! I will stick with my original choice of XL.
@Manticore XL looks better IMHO.
Flaring out the waist when you are sitting on a motorbike or just sitting on anything when the jacket is zipped up…
is it widely used without motorbike? or even used at all?
does anybody used it with this particular rider jacket?i would say that unzipping main zipper from the bottom is most obvious decision for me…
Does it matter? You don't have to undo the zips….And if you really don't like them, you can buy the Self Edge version that does not have them.....
you are right, I am just trying to understand which version to buy
this or SF.to be clear, trying to guess if it matter…
The gussets are valuable in my opinion though I understand the "cleaner" look idea. I have removed the leather pulls though they would be useful with moto gloves on. When you pull the zippers closed without the pulls, there's yet another "clean look." I'm glad to have the IH version.
I know that my body type differs from the majority of men, but I’m sure there are some out there who need extra room at the waist opening for their hips and glutes to be accommodated. I don’t have a racer jacket for this reason, but if I were to get one, I’d probably have to leave the side zips open all the time just to get the jacket to fit and sit on my body the way it was supposed to.
I know that’s not the reason the zips are there, but I’m sure they get used that way.
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great look on last photo
and thank you for explanation to everybody!
Now I do see the usefulness of this zippers and understand when to use them.
but after some calculations decided to buy this jacket from SelfEdge, because of some cost reasons.thank you for everyone, especially for @daltmeyer who helped me to make a choice in different forum threads
Glad to help @Bulatik85. I am sure you will love the SE edition of this. I have their version of the IHJ-35 and it's outstanding.
I'm not sure what happened to that top photo. It's not that blurry on my phone I didn't think. Oh well I still like that shot a lot.
Your jacket looks fantastic @daltmeyer !
I have the SE IHJ-35 also and, as mentioned previously, it's my best fitting leather jacket (hence my decision on the 54). However I only got that version because I liked the side pockets and red/black flannel lining; I would have been perfectly happy if it retained the side zips also. The 54 is different enough with the collar and side zips to provide a completely different aesthetic - glad I was able to score both.