IHSH-54 - Solid Heavy Flannels With Side Pockets
i wear a medium normally, about 6'2 but pretty skinny, just got the ultra heavy plain flannel and it fits right, perhaps a tad bit small tho when folding my arms. any thoughts? thanks
I have this same problem with IH shirts as I usually fall somewhere in between a Medium and Large in the shoulder measurements. I find the size difference between a Medium and Large to be fairly small, so if you wanted to go to the trouble of exchanging for a large, you could give it a try.
This is just my opinion. I find shirts digging into your armpits to be annoying.
i just want this shirt. think i'll get it in blue, they seem to be slow to move so i doubt they will be back next year.
i just want this shirt. think i'll get it in blue, they seem to be slow to move so i doubt they will be back next year.
My finger is on the trigger, I just want to be sure of the fit.
can understand.
i never really take fit pictures too literally cause you know my body type is nothing like the models usually featured. i figure measurements, what i plan on wearing with the item, & take it from there. G did a good job on his fit picture of this item (imho) the picture of the product on SE give a great true likeness of the item as far as the difference in the stitching around the pockets & all that. like most Iron Heart products this shirt looks way better when you see it in the fabric. also with all Iron Heart products the price makes you really weigh all variables before making your purchase.
i never really take fit pictures too literally cause you know my body type is nothing like the models usually featured.
dear Mad Monday, the meaning of fit pics in a forum for me is that normal people of all kind (tiny, tall, slim, not sooo slim….) show how a item look on them.... so that others can get a idea how items look like when worn...
true, i was responding directly to the comment made about the se model in this item. bad choice in words
but same meaning & intent. folks wearing clothes sway me a little but don't really decide for me. i'm not built like most taking fit pictures
i'm not built like most
i knew you would relate to that G
& yeah variety is the spice & so . . . . my purchases aren't based on someone else wearing an item. don't think anyone on the forum stalks anyones purchases & follows them & makes the same sort of purchases
that would be kind of sad
true, but this entire convo was started off a comment about a fit on a product page for a vendor. i chose my words poorly and stated fit flick as opposed to product model picture.
ah i am partial to blue, all sorts of blue
must add since i don't blank out my posts, that i'm so self absorded i didn't realise that you (rockt) were probably responding to shoreman wanting to see more fit pictures of the item
narcissistic at the upper echelons
HAhahEhahaha, yikes
I was responding to this line and to you my friend, don't worry about being self absorded
i never really take fit pictures too literally cause you know my body type is nothing like the models usually featured.
I think thats a point to talk about, since this is something I believe is very wrong, but that might only be me….
so now get your blue's ready...
yeah just waiting on a few investments to come in & i might move on it. i mean another blue shirt