IHSH-47 - Ombre Flannel Western Shirts
wow these are nice, kinda late to the game but boy that brown is calling my name. I've got a IHSH-30 and needed a large in it. Seems like L would work for me? Don't have many IHSH yet, thanks for the help guys.
All the measurements are pretty much the same except for the shoulder appears to be almost an inch smaller on the 47, so I was wondering how others fit. Thanks for the discount heads up! I think Ill go for the large.
wow these are nice, kinda late to the game but boy that brown is calling my name. I've got a IHSH-30 and needed a large in it. Seems like L would work for me? Don't have many IHSH yet, thanks for the help guys.
Hey flatpattern, check out the sizing page. The dimension should be pretty much the same -shoulder is 1 inch smaller on the IHSH-47, chest and arm is the same. Just thought you should know, Mdm. B is having a special stockroom blitz. A large Brown is still available at a very good price ;)!
Alright alright three days to my door! Pretty incredible. Cheers Paula. IHSH-47 L brown is pretty incredible. Little tighter on my shoulders then the IHSH-30 but easily fits. Looks like a piece of buttered toast.
I was worried when I saw the IHJ-07 but it is indeed roomy. thanks to all the forum talk the sizing down worked great. Cheers guys appreciate it. I'll be back.
nice one flat. the 47 is still my favorite fitting IH piece ever… love the sizing.
In the words of Alex: "Dope"!
I passed the Black L because I wasn't sure if it was going to fit or not and now I regret it. Wow these things are nice.
Looking good everybody
flatpattern … check DC4 ... online shop says black and red L are in stock
at least I think I saw a red one in the shop ( don't know which size)
If he wants a red L better buy it here:
DC4 have black L in stock:
im so tempted to grab these but the sizing is a issue. i'm a medium for all my IH shirts but the shoulders of these seem a little small. my shoulders measures about 17.3" and chest about 41". any mates wearing a medium in the IHSH-33? what size did you got for this?