IH-634-XHS - 25oz Selvedge Denim Straight Cut Jeans - Indigo
@bluemantra cheers matey
I do think so as well
@long_john86 looks ace
@long_john86 Those look way better! Congrats and good call on sizing down.
Joined the 25 oz club today. Here they are straight out of the box. The last pair of size 32 in stock. Luckily they were right on size with the chart which seems perfect. (Checked with CS before I ordered )
Had them hemmed so when washed they might have a small cuff or preferable uncuffed with some stacking. They feel pretty amazing and also different from both my 21 oz and my UHRs . The weather might not call for 25oz atm but will have them soaked and washed and ready by end of the week -
@PJ they look great on you and welcome to the XHS club!
This is my second pair, a refresh. I take a picture with my originals that took, you know, six years to fade (even a little).
@long_john86 that's what I'm talkin' bout! Awesome fit, glad that worked out!
@goosehd Aww, thanks. that's my 1972 Series III. Runs like a charm. Far better than I do.
@profdbrk that is one splendid Landy! Good to hear he’s running well. Hope you continue sharing pics of it.
@Oaktavia Dang, those are downright heroic. I can only aspire.
@Oaktavia Nice man! great pics!
@ScottStyles thanks man
634 xhs in the wild. Feeling like the official IH in the wild pics hahaha!