Random questions to which you seek an answer
@jordanscollected thats very much in line with how I roll. I’ve moved past non IH gear except for lounge and sleep wear. With the exception of pjs, tees, socks and underwear it’s all IH all the time. The real issue is storage space and my current closet is twice as big as the one I had in Baltimore. I was hoping to see if this was a shared concern more than looking for a solution so I’m glad I’m not the only one struggling. But you know what they say. The @Max Power way is the right way.
[mention]Dongding [/mention] check out Sugar Cane. Those shirts are made for people with alligator arms.
One of the sad realizations of this hobby is that not all brands will fit you. About 10 years ago I really tried to make Flat Head work but the shoulders were too big for me so I had to give up on them. I still consider their houndstooth one of the best shirts I’ve ever seen.
Another option is to cuff the sleeves. Obviously this won’t work on everything but I did it on the IH super black motorcycle jacket and several people do it on the UHFs.
Do the UHF shirts become less flexible over time? I notice they have a bit of stretch, most noticable around the snaps. Does this change over time?
Question about sleeve length:
I’m very short stature. Like 5’3 on a good day in heels
I’ve been struggling to find long sleeve shirts and jackets that fit. Every other dimension besides sleeves fits well and I’m usually a 36 or 38.
I’m like 20-23 inch sleeve - 20 ideal for a flannel, but I could manage with 23 for a jacket.
I tried on the N1 deck jacket and the ultra heavy flannels at Franklin and poes in Philly recently. I love both but can’t justify the purchase with the sleeve length so long.
I’ve been considering trying out SoSo since they can MTO to my sleeve length but the quality just isn’t the same as what iron heart offers.
Curious what others in my situation do? Luke at F and P is awesome and said he could tailor the sleeve length but if done from the shoulders like I’d need, it would be really expensive.
Are there any other MTO companies worth checking out? Or any folks here have recommendations for other brands that may have shorter sleeve length stock? Sometimes Kapital size 1 jackets work ok but I’d like some more traditional pieces. Specifically trying to find flannels, deck jacket, and a oiled canvas jacket like the one from freenote.
Thanks and grateful for any advice!
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Im 5’9” but have a 46 to 48” chest so need an XXL as a general rule, which means the arm length often an issue.
I have quite long arms but even then sleeves are too long, due to the fact that Ih stuff designed for riding. Most of the time I just roll the sleeves up, as I happen to like the aesthetic. However, I have had sleeves professionally shortened on some IH shirts and jackets by a tailor. If go down this route they will need to make sure enough space in upper arm, depending on how they make the alteration.
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Who makes a decent slim eyeglass case? Thinking maybe something where you slide the glasses in on the short edge.
Best I’ve seen is Maui Jim’s collapsible triangular one @setandsetting
Yeah. It always seems a little strange to me. Like the seat of my jeans was pretty faded. Then I washed, they now seem darker. The jeans are only 5 months in. Only the second wash. Wondering if loose indigo finds its way back to the lighter parts of the fabric. I’ll try and post some pics. Maybe I’m nuts.
I just picked up the IH-777S-142od last week in a size 31. I know that the overdyed means all the shrinkage has already taken place. I'm going to pick up IH-777S-142bb next. Should I size up one to a 32 since there will be some shrinkage after the first wash with those or stick to the same size 31?
Hi there, after reading about UHF shrinkage I was wondering if this fit would work well after washing? Sizing up to a medium gets baggy around my back, like a billowing sail and it's a bit long on body. I'm super skinny in real life with slightly long arms.
Hi there, after reading about UHF shrinkage I was wondering if this fit would work well after washing? Sizing up to a medium gets baggy around my back, like a billowing sail and it's a bit long on body. I'm super skinny in real life with slightly long arms.
Personally, I think you'll be fine.
I've had minimal shrinkage from mine with 30c washes and even if you had more drastic results, I don't think you'd be at any detriment fit-wise.
@Mizmazzle I can’t really see the effect you mentioned in your pics but I have noticed something similar in areas where the denim creases (not flat areas like the seat). I have always assumed it’s because the denim lies flat after washing so you only see colour variation without the added effect of the light hitting the hills and valleys in the denim at different angles pre-wash. This doesn’t really explain your observations. Maybe the surface fibres sit differently after washing?