Random questions to which you seek an answer
Houses are normally sold pre-shrunk. However, just to be safe, I'd recommend turning it inside out, use the mildest rain setting possible, (I like "intermittent mist", myself) and then dry by hand. Definitely don't tumble dry.
I'm pretty sure the insulation is sanfordized. I think I'm going to hold off a bit, I here they're coming out with an over dyed version.
I am giving up Chocolate, crisps and negativity for lent. (negativity because, january blues have turned me into a real grump). Tommytrons birthday in on Good Friday this year, so what a day to be able indulge in chocolate again
Soda, I've managed to not drink do much soda over the last few months, swapped it for pear cider!
damn what the hell would i be left with if i was @Minitron1505:
giving up negativity for lent
was trying to give up tuesday, but she beat me to it
Can't help you there but sounds like I need to start saving more money. This ironheart company is relentless on my pocketbook. Christ
Yeah, I know, I'm needy tonight.
I need a decent entry on Wikipedia.
I have the technical resource to implement it.
But I need someone to work with me and Paula to write the copy…
Can anyone help? You know I'll make it worth your while.
PM me......
Think I have this sorted. I love you all…..
A guy I was working with today was rocking some pretty interesting looking pants. He informed me they were made of firehouse canvas by Duluth Trading Company. I've never heard of 'em. Anybody know any deets?
Duluth bags are legit. Good retailers have been carrying them for a few years. Made in the USA USA USA and all that good stuff - out of Minnesota, if I'm not mistaken. Get a daily email from them.
I'm really not a fan of those J. Peterman style drawings… how the hell do you know what you're supposed to get