Random questions to which you seek an answer
Yeah, I know, I'm needy tonight.
I need a decent entry on Wikipedia.
I have the technical resource to implement it.
But I need someone to work with me and Paula to write the copy…
Can anyone help? You know I'll make it worth your while.
PM me......
Think I have this sorted. I love you all…..
A guy I was working with today was rocking some pretty interesting looking pants. He informed me they were made of firehouse canvas by Duluth Trading Company. I've never heard of 'em. Anybody know any deets?
Duluth bags are legit. Good retailers have been carrying them for a few years. Made in the USA USA USA and all that good stuff - out of Minnesota, if I'm not mistaken. Get a daily email from them.
I'm really not a fan of those J. Peterman style drawings… how the hell do you know what you're supposed to get
Hey guys,
Serious question…what makes the 21oz denim feel so damn amazing on my skin? I'm only about roughly a month and a half in my 301s and they feel like butter. I recently got a pair of PBJs and I love the denim on them. Really unique and rough. I wore them for a few days, decided to put on my 301s again today and welp, long story short...probably not gonna go back to the PBJs for awhile
But seriously, is it the cotton? Production process (does anybody happen to have any videos? :-X)? Haraki-san infuses some sort of fabric addictive drug into them or what?
Also, which is softer, the 21oz or the 18oz?
I'm going to take a crack at this one, only small dollars on the line tho.
It is the Zimbabwe cotton. From the FAQ
"It has very long fibres, this allows the threads to be made with less twisting than is normal and the end result is that the denim is suprisingly soft to the touch." (http://www.ironheart.co.uk/content/faqs) -
How's the 25 versus the 21 in terms of softness?
The 25oz cannot be described as soft.
I've got 3.5 months on mine with one wash and wouldn't consider them soft. Just thick.
You were stroking Giles's jeans?
I suppose it's possible with any cotton garment with age. Aren't G's 15 months old or something?